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Report 9 of the 22 Jul 02 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and discusses the development of a longer-term strategic framework for the MPA and MPS.

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Update on MPA/MPS strategic framework

Report: 9
Date: 22 July 2002
By: Commissioner


This report summarises for the new committee the work that has taken place to develop a longer-term strategic framework. It asks members to provide feedback on the current draft at the full Authority on 25 July 2002, with a view to enable a launch in August.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members note the progress on developing ‘Towards The Safest City’; and
  2. Members provide feedback on the current draft at the full authority meeting on 25 July for a launch in August.

B. Supporting information


1. A corporate strategic framework (‘Towards the safest city’) has been drafted to provide long-term direction for the MPS in a climate of very rapid change. Various drafts have been considered over a number of months by the MPA.

2. In June, an indication was received that members would not approve the draft as written. As a result, a revised and more focused version was produced for consideration. This was debated at the planning panel meeting on 8 July. Subsequent changes have resulted in the ‘mock up’ of the framework (complete with photographs) which will be distributed prior to the Planning, Performance and Review committee. This draft is also being submitted to the Full Authority meeting on 25 July for final discussion and agreement.

Next steps

3. It is proposed to launch ‘Towards the safest city’ in August 2002. This will provide the direction needed for the service and enable the priorities for the 2003/04 policing and performance plan to be set with due consideration to the longer-term aspirations for the service. ‘Towards the safest city’ is sufficiently high level to make the transition to develop a three-year rolling strategy anticipated under the reform bill without any major discontinuity.

4. Clearly, launch of ‘Towards the safest city’ can only take place when the MPS and the MPA have agreed its content and format. MPS Management Board has given its support to the latest draft. Once agreed, it will take a further three weeks to print, publish and distribute the document to its intended audience. The draft is being reviewed by the Full Authority at its meeting on 25 July. Assuming only minor modifications are requested by the Authority, the changes can be made for a launch in August.

C. Financial implications

1. The cost of publishing and marketing the document is estimated at £12,000 (assumes no external design, which would cost an additional £6,000). This includes a range of communication media, including posters, a ‘Job special’ (for staff) and printing the document itself.

2. The cost of implementing the strategic framework will be assessed through costing the range of projects being set up, as part of subsequent years’ annual plans.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: John Zlotnicki, MPS.

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