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Report 5 of the 11 Nov 02 meeting of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee and provides an update on the strategy plan 2003/04 2004/05 and the annual plan 2003/04.

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Update on strategy plan 2003/04 2004/05 and annual plan 2003/04

Report: 05
Date: 11 November 2002
By: Commissioner


The report summarises the current position in relation to the development of the strategy plan and the 2003/04 Policing and Performance Plan and sets out a proposed timetable of key dates that links the production of both documents.

A. Recommendations


  1. Members note the current position on the development of the 2003/04 to 2004/05 strategy plan and the 2003/04 Policing and Performance Plan (annual plan); and
  2. Members agree the proposed timetable of key dates that integrates the planning arrangements and the content of the respective plans.

B. Supporting information

1. The priorities proposed by the MPS for inclusion in the 2003/04 Policing and Performance Plan was discussed at the full Authority meeting held on 31 October 2002. They were significantly influenced by the longer-term goals in the strategic framework document ‘Towards the safest city’ and represent the first year’s key areas of policing effort. The strategic framework document is, in turn, likely to strongly influence the content of the three - year strategy plan to be published in April 2003.

2. The MPS recognises that the priorities contained in the annual plan must be compatible with, and act as the implementation plan for, the three - year strategy plan, and that the strategy plan aligns with the National Policing Plan which sets the overall strategic direction for policing priorities.

3. The format and content of the strategy plan have not yet been developed but will be closely informed by the content of the National Policing Plan and will take account of guidance issued by the Home Secretary. The draft strategy guidance dictates that the strategy plan is submitted to the Home Secretary by no later than 28 February 2003, which means as a consequence that the full Authority must approve the plan on 27 February 2003. The MPS therefore proposes to submit a draft version of its strategy plan to the authority in advance in order to seek guidance, generate debate and minimise the possibility of last minute changes.

4. In parallel to the development of the strategy plan, the MPS is seeking to determine an appropriate set of objectives that will underpin each of the priorities in the annual plan. The timeline at Appendix 1 sets out these objectives and these are scheduled to be presented to the Authority on 28 November 2002. As the priorities have not yet been agreed at the time of writing this paper it is not possible to present a proposed set of objectives to this Committee.

5. However, the MPS proposes to present a provisional set of objectives to the planning panel, which follows on from this Committee. These objectives are the product of a series of workshops, which are being undertaken by the MPS. The workshops are considering among other things:

  • What should be the key areas of focus under each priority;
  • The setting of appropriate specific objectives;
  • Potential targets and measures, and
  • How each part of the organisation might contribute to those objectives

6. Planning Panel will thus have an opportunity to debate the proposed objectives arising from the workshops, and make recommendations as to their suitability. This will allow the MPS to take any action that might be required, before the objectives are considered by the full Authority.

7. The timeline illustrates the competing pressures and delivery dates for products on the National Policing Plan, the strategy plan, the annual plan, and the high level budgetary timetable. Once the respective lead time for products is overlaid it clearly demonstrates the number of ‘pinch points’ in the planning process.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no direct implications on equalities and diversity arising from this report. Development of the underpinning objectives, however, is likely to include more detail as to how these issues will be addressed in the coming year.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from these proposals.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Zlotnicki and Michael Debens, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Appendix 1 is available in hard copy only, from the MPA.

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