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Report 9 of the 28 Apr 03 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and discusses the membership of the ACPO Conduct Sub-committee.

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Membership of the ACPO Conduct Sub-committee

Report: 9
Date: 28 April 2003
By: Clerk


The current terms of reference of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee provide that the membership will comprise three members of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee. In order to provide greater resilience for future meetings, it is proposed that the membership will comprise five members, but that three members will be sufficient for a quorum.

A. Recommendations


  1. the Committee amend the terms of reference of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee as follows:
    1. To investigate and deal with any allegations, report and complaints about the conduct of officers of ACPO rank in accordance with appropriate regulations.
    2. To consider all matters relating to discipline against ACPO rank officers, within police regulations.
  2. the membership of the sub-committee comprise any five members of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee appointed by the Clerk under delegated authority (i.e. the membership may differ from meeting to meeting and a minimum of three members must be present for the meeting to be quorate).

B. Supporting information

1. The current terms of reference of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee provide that the membership will comprise three members of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee. In order to provide greater resilience for future meetings, it is proposed that the membership will comprise five members, but that three members will be sufficient for a quorum.

C. Equality and diversity implications

A larger Committee membership should ensure a greater diversity of views and opinions.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial costs.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Alan Johnson, MPA.

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