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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Minutes of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 06 May 2004 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Reshard Auladin (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair) (Items 1-6)
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA Officers:

  • lDavid Riddle (Deputy Clerk)
  • Alan Johnson, (Head of Human Resources and Professional Standards)
  • Nick Baker (Committee Services)

MPS Officers:

  • Commander Hagon
  • DAC Steve Roberts (Director of Professional Standards)
  • DCS Phil Flower
  • DS Maxine De Brummer

56. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Jennette Arnold .

57. Declarations Of Interests From Members Of The Committee

(Agenda item 2)

Members gave no declarations of interests.

58. Minutes

(Agenda item 3)

The Committee received the minutes of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee meeting held on 11 March 2004 and noted the minutes (Part 1) of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee meetings held on 12 February 2004.

Resolved – That the minutes of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee meeting held on 11 March 2004 be agreed and signed as a correct record, and the minutes (Part 1) of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee meetings held on 12 February 2004 be noted.

59. Chair’s And Members’ Update

(Agenda item 4)

No updates were given.

60. Complaints Management Information (MI)

(Agenda item 5)

Members considered the report that gave data for the 12 months to March 2004 and which focused on the key changes or exceptions within data.

Members noted that public complaints allegations had declined by approximately 10% from February 2003 to March 2004 and that the number of public complaint cases under investigation had declined by 16%, from 572 cases (in April 2003) to 482 (in March 2004)

Confirmation was given that investigations over 120 days old had reduced from 171 to 138. The percentage of internal investigations over 120 days old had reduced from a high of 70% of the total ‘live’ in April 2003 to 44% of the total live in March 2004.

DAC Steve Roberts, in reporting the data, highlighted the possible impact on future data and figures arising from the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and the possibility of the IPCC seeking independent investigators for certain complaints. Members supported a report being presented to a future meeting on the impact of the IPCC, including the effect of independent investigators. It was also suggested that a view from ACPO should be sought.

In congratulating the MPS on the decline in many of the figures, members highlighted other areas that needed further consideration. These included the length of time that the CPS were taking to process complaints and the length of time and process around police appeals. It was agreed that the Deputy Clerk would write to the CPS expressing the Authority’s concerns. He also agreed to look at the police appeals process when the new Professional Standards Officer was appointed.

The Chair also requested that some quality assurance of these figures should be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.

Resolved – That

  1. members note the report and the illustration of trends given at Appendix 1 to the report;
  2. following the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints Commission from 1 April 2004, that members note that changes to the complaints data may occur in forthcoming data presented to this Committee and that a report on its impact being presented to a future meeting;
  3. the Deputy Clerk write to CPS expressing the Authority’s concerns about the time taken to deal with these cases; and
  4. a report be presented to a future meeting of the Committee that quality assures complaint information data

61. MPS Professional Standards Strategy Progress On Strand 5

(Agenda item 6)

The Committee received a report that outlined the progress on Strand 5 (maintaining the threat of detection, prevention and management of risk) of the re-launched, refocused MPS Corruption and Dishonesty Strategy.

Commander Hagon reminded members of the background to the Corruption and Dishonesty Strategy and the developments since its re-launch in August 2002.

Members welcomed the presentation and agreed that a key to the delivery of the strategy was through proper supervision and regular evaluation.

The Committee also highlighted the importance of training of all police officers and police staff should incorporate the main elements of the strategy. This was particularly important for new recruits.

Resolved – That members note the progress on Strand 5 of the Professional Standards Strategy – maintaining the threat of detection, prevention and management of risk.

62. Sanction Guidelines

(Agenda item 7)

The Committee received a report that explained the difficulties experienced in demonstrating consistent, proportionate and satisfactory sanctions across the many misconduct hearings and reviews conducted annually in the MPS. The report described proposals to provide guidance to achieve clarity and fairness in the imposition of sanctions and a more standardised approach to misconduct issues, whilst recognizing the individual circumstances of each case.

The Committee welcomed the guidelines and highlighted the importance of integrating them into all police staff training.

In response to members’ enquiries, confirmation was given that the guidelines were not endorsed by the Police Federation and were noted by the Superintendent’s Association.

In response to members’ requests that the guidelines indicate a category of level of sanctions to ensure consistency, members were informed that the MPS had received legal advice that this would be illegal and open to challenge. It was agreed that the Deputy Clerk would seek clarification on this issue with colleagues in the MPS further.

Resolved – That members endorsed the guidelines as given at Appendix 1 to the report and that they be evaluated 6 months after implementation.

63. ACPO Protocol

(Agenda item 8)

The Deputy Clerk informed the Committee that the seconded Solicitor to the Authority was working on the protocol and that formal consultation with members of the Committee on the style and content would be undertaken before the next meeting of the Committee.

Resolved – That the report be noted

64. Annual Report

(Agenda item 9)

Members received a report that provided a summary of key issues that have been discussed by the Committee during the past year.

Members highlighted a number of minor amendments, including reference to the work of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee, highlighting the success of the MPA and MPS in the remit of the Committee and the contribution made by officers from the MPA and MPS to the committee work.

Resolved – That subject to the amendments suggested by members, the Committee note the report.

65. Directorate Of Professional Standards Strategic Intelligence Assessment

(Agenda item 10)

Members received a report that gave details of the annual strategic intelligence assessment to establish the risks posed by corruption, dishonesty, unethical and unprofessional behaviour to the integrity of its staff and the Metropolitan Police Service.

Detailed discussion of the key strategic issues were undertaken during Part 2 of the meeting.

Resolved – That members note the annual assessment.

66. Exclusion Of The Press And Public

(Agenda item 11)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during items 12 to 14 they were likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a) (1) and (14) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Resolved – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of agenda items 12 to 14.

Part 2

Summary of exempt items

67. Directorate Of Professional Standards Strategic Intelligence Assessment

(Agenda item 12)

In conjunction with the report (agenda item 10) presented during Part 1 of the meeting, members

68. Reporting On Wrong Doing

(Agenda item 13)

Member received a presentation on reporting wrongdoing.

69. Minutes

(Agenda item 14)

The Committee agreed the minutes of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee (Part 2) held on 11 March 2004 and noted the minutes (Part 2) of the ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee meeting held on 12 February 2004.

The Committee closed at 12.20 p.m.

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