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Report 7 of the 8 September 2005 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and this report provides the Cambridge University research into disproportionality.

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Cambridge University research into disproportionality

Report: 7
Date: 8 September 2005
By: Commissioner


At the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee (PSCC) meeting on 9 June 2005, Members were provided with a brief update on the research into disproportionality that is being conducted by Cambridge University. Members were also informed that an interim report was awaited from the research team. On 18 July 2005 a copy of that report was provided to the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and is attached at Appendix 1 B to this report.

The submission of the report provides the opportunity for the MPA and Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to ‘take stock’ of the general direction of the research agenda and to ensure that there is connectivity between the research and other strategic issues affecting the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS), such as the DPS review.

Commander Akers and Detective Chief Superintendent Bussey are due to meet Doctor Matravers on 26 August 2005 to discuss the projected timescale for completion of the research. A verbal update of the issues arising from this meeting will be given.

A. Recommendations

That the interim report from Cambridge University and report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. The interim report at Appendix 1 establishes what we already know about external and internal disproportionality. The report takes a strategic approach, focusing on literature that is directly relevant to the research and provides a comprehensive reference list.

2. The report also synthesises the findings of several high-profile inquiries into disproportionality and it describes the findings of academic research into the complaints and discipline procedures.

3. In part IV (page 29 onwards) of the report at Appendix 1 an indication is given of the revised research agenda and the emerging findings in relation to both external and internal disproportionality.

Phase 3

4. There is no doubt that the original aim of the research which is to identify strategic solutions that will reassure the community in general and members of black and minority ethnic communities in particular is still valid. However, there is now a need to prioritise certain aspects of the research and ensure that there is connectivity between the research and other strategic developments within the MPS such as the review of the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS).

5. The DPS Review Team is aware of the emerging findings from Cambridge and the need to capitalise on the research agenda. For example, the Cambridge research team is now in the process of arranging focus groups with representatives of the staff associations to obtain an impression of current thinking among officers and police staff from a range of ethnic backgrounds, and to understand the similarities and differences between them in terms of their response to the issue of disproportionality. The DPS Review Team is also contemplating the use of staff association focus groups and as such the opportunity is presented to ensure that both issues are linked.

6. There also needs to be connectivity in terms of timescales if the research is to have the maximum impact. Commander Akers and Detective Chief Superintendent Bussey are due to meet Doctor Matravers and the Cambridge research team on the 26 August in order to determine the realistic completion date of their research. (A verbal update will be given to Members).

List of abbreviations

MPA – Metropolitan Police Authority
MPS – Metropolitan Police Service
DPS – Directorate of Professional Standards

C. Race and equality impact

If the MPS is to move forward and look for operational solutions to the outcome of the research then there will be significant race and diversity considerations.

D. Financial implications

The cost of the research up to the point of submission of the interim report is £43,000. Negotiations are continuing in order to determine the cost of the remaining phases and the final report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Detective Chief Superintendent Carl Bussey

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