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Report 11 of the 10 November 2005 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and deals with more information on the progress on the Professional Standards outcomes.

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Outcomes and actions arising from the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board meeting on 6 October 2005

Report: 11
Date: 10 November 2005
By: Commissioner


At the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board (EODB) on 6 October 2005, Commander Akers presented progress on the agreed outcomes of Morris, Taylor, Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) and Ghaffur reports to the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA). The presentation focussed on the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) Review Programme and the Chair of the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee was present.

The report was well received and ongoing monitoring of progress was passed back to the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee.

A. Recommendations

That Members note the content of this report and the progress on the agreed outcomes of Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur reports as it relates to Professional Standards matters – set out in EODB papers of 6 October 2005.

B. Supporting information

1. At the meeting of the EOBD on the 6 October 2005, members were presented with a report that provided details on progress on the agreed outcomes of Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur Reports; and the four appendices (DPS Progress Report; DPS Review Programme – Project Initiation Document; Review Programme Schematic; and the Briefing Note regarding HMIC Thematic Inspection).

2. As part of the report, Commander Akers focused on the DPS Review Programme and following debate, EODB discharged this item from their work plan with ongoing monitoring of progress on these matters being referred to the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee.

3. The development of the Review of DPS will be wedded to the key initiatives of the Corporate Strategy, Together Programme, Service Review and forthcoming Diversity Strategy.

4. This will be undertaken through the development and implementation of the new MPS Professional Standards Strategy and by the formation of a specific Command tasked to deal with Prevention and Organisational Learning – which will include Risk Management and the operationalising of the Values as key components.

5. In order to share details of best practice about complaints management, and to ensure that key personnel are informed and educated on how to handle complaints successfully, it is proposed to form a specific Command with direct responsibility and resources to deal with ‘Prevention and Organisational Learning’

6. DPS propose to review and develop the capture of data disaggregated by equalities categories. Further discussions, and work will need to be take place, however, the establishment of a DPS Reception desk, through which all information, intelligence and complaints are fed, will enable DPS to standardise the capture of data.

7. It was intended in preparing this report to identify the MPS perspective of the agreed outcomes of the EODB meeting. However, due to timescales between these meetings, an evaluation and consideration of these issues not been possible.

C. Race and equality impact

The work relating to Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur and in particular the DPS Review Programme is focused on addressing real and perceived discrimination within the Professional Standards arena. The continued involvement of staff associations and external stakeholders will ensure that this focus is maintained.

D. Financial implications

Costs for current work is being met within the existing MPS budgets directed by the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee, which is chaired by Assistant Commissioner Alan Brown, Director DPS.

E. Background papers

Report by MPS detailing the progress relating to the agreed outcomes of Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur reports and appendices as submitted and discussed at EODB Meeting on 6 October 2005.

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Commander Sue Akers, Director of Professional Services

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