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Report 15 of the 12 January 2006 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and outlines the action taken by the MPS with the approval of the MPA regarding ex gratia payments, funeral costs, repatriation of Jean Charles De Menezes to Brazil and flights from UK to Brazil for family members.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Regarding the death of Jean Charles de Menezes

Report: 15
Date: 12 January 2006
By: Commissioner

This report was originally circulated as exempt but was discussed in part 1 of the meeting at the request of the MPA Chair.


This report outlines the action taken by the MPS with the approval of the MPA regarding ex gratia payments, funeral costs, repatriation of Jean Charles De Menezes to Brazil and flights from UK to Brazil for family members. The report was requested by the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee (PSCC) at the meeting held on 10 November 2005.

A. Recommendations

That the report be received.

B. Supporting information

1. Outlined below is the chronology of events that took place leading to the ex-gratia payments, funeral costs and repatriation Jean Charles De Menezes to Brazil and flights from UK to Brazil of his family.

07 July 2005 London bombings caused by suicide bombers
21 July 2005 Attempted suicide bombings in London
22 July 2005 MPS police shoot and kill Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell tube station.
26 July 2005 DAC John Yates requested MPA authority to offer payment of flights, repatriation of body to Brazil, reasonable funeral costs and £15,000 ex gratia payment. This was given by the Deputy Chief executive following consultation with the Chief executive and Chair.
27 July 2005 Letter to family (with Portuguese translation) offering payment of cost of flights for family, repatriation of body to Brazil, reasonable funeral costs and £15,000 ex gratia payment personally delivered by DAC Yates. Condolences given to Mr and Mrs De Menezes by DAC Yates in Brazil.

04 August 2005

Confirmation that family in Brazil instructs Birnberg Peirce

09 August 2005 Letter from Birnberg Peirce confirming family's acceptance of all offers made including £15,000 ex gratia payment. Birnberg Peirce request MPS to fund a family visit to the UK so that they may visit the site where Jean Charles lived worked and died and meet with the IPCC.
17 August 2005 By letter dated 17 August 2005, MPS offer to fund visit for 1 week only. Due to illness suffered by various family members during the visit (including hospitalisation for food poisoning and pneumonia) the visit was extended to two weeks.

2. For members information, payments made to the family by the MPS to date are provided below:

Costs re: Family based in UK taking Jean Charles home to Brazil
Family flights (family in UK to Brazil) £7,012.71
Hotel (rooms, food, phone) £3,611.94
Repatriation of body £56.00
Taxi fares £92.40
Taxi fare £30.00
Global Networks to repatriate Jean Charles body
i.e. coffin, embalming, air freight.
Funeral expenses £4,090.00
Coach hire (relating to funeral) in Brazil £1,114.28
Air fare for 1 person to visit Brazil £937.50
Ex gratia payment to parents £15,000.00
Birnbergs Legal fees for consultation in Brazil £2,090.00
Costs re: family visiting UK from Brazil (7 members)
Airfares for family visit to UK from Brazil (7 members) £8,564.71
Travel expenses incurred in the UK £1,184.20
Hotel costs (including all living expenses whilst in the UK) £5,682.92

Total costs to date (09 Dec 05)


3. The payments to the family have been expressed as “ex gratia” payments to signify that they do not amount to acceptance of liability by the MPS. Questions of liability will of course be addressed in accordance with the law.

4. Following a meeting at the Foreign Office on the 25 July 2005 when representatives of the Brazilian government urged that fast progress made in respect of the family's claim for compensation DAC Yates, who was present, acknowledged that the claim would be handled sympathetically and quickly.

5. On the 26 July DAC Yates spoke with Mr David Riddle of the MPA about the principle of an ex gratia payment being made. David Riddle confirmed MPA approval of a payment of up to £15,000 together with payment for the repatriation of Jean Charles, associated funeral costs and travel costs of the family to return to Brazil. This was subsequently confirmed by email.

6. The arrangements for financing the family’s visit to the UK were negotiated between the MPS Director of Legal Services and the Solicitors representing the family.

C. Race and equality impact


D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising directly from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Sue Akers, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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