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Report 9 of the 13 July 2006 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and summarises work undertaken by the Directorate of Professional Standards in support of the MPA dip sampling of closed complaint files.

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MPA dip sampling of public complaints

Report: 9
Date: 13 July 2006
By: Commissioner


This report summarises work undertaken by the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) in support of the MPA dip sampling of closed complaint files.

The newly formed Prevention Command leads the DPS response to this MPA -led initiative ensuring that lessons learned from the MPA dip sampling process are properly absorbed into MPS aims and working practices.

To date the dip sampling has identified specific matters for procedural consideration. Some of these have been capable of ready resolution but others now require a more considered response with input from decision makers outside the Command (for example the Independent Police Complaints Commission).

The dip sampling process itself has been subject to joint and ongoing MPA and DPS scrutiny to ensure it retains its effectiveness. DPS fully supports this shared approach.

A. Recommendations

That Members note this progress report [1] detailing work that has been undertaken in satisfaction of recommendations made by the MPA to improve effectiveness in complaints handling.

B. Supporting information

1. At the PSCC meeting on the 9 March 2006 a written response [2] was given by DPS to the MPA dip sampling in February 2006 of closed complaint files.

2. The written response, that welcomed the benefits of the dip sampling initiative, detailed a number of recommendations for consideration by the newly formed DPS Prevention Command [3]. This report now provides an update on the progress of these recommendations.

3. It should be noted, first, that some of these recommendations require the agreement of other agencies (eg IPCC) or will progress in line with corporate timetables (eg MPS Equalities Scheme) and therefore will be finalised over the longer term.

4. The full recommendations and DPS responses are listed at Appendix 1. The responses include:

  1. Re-wording of the DPS Misconduct Investigation Guide to clarify investigator responsibilities [4];
  2. Updates on the MPA findings at the DPS Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) good practice forum [5];
  3. Proposal to present relevant dip sample findings at the next IPCC Quarterly Practitioners meeting [6]; and
  4. Inclusion of two sampled files as case studies in the Prevention Command ‘Learning the Lessons’ database [7].

5. The dip sampling process itself has also been subject to ongoing review by both the MPA and DPS, to maintain its effectiveness and a joint MPA and Prevention Command meeting has been arranged in support of this quality assurance approach.

6. A shortfall in the number of files retrieved for MPA scrutiny has also prompted a Prevention Command initiative to review DPS (and MPS) archive arrangements [8]. This will be the subject of a further update when complete.

Local resolutions

7. Local Resolutions were the subject of an MPA paper to the PSCC meeting on the 18 May 2006. The report requested that DPS provide an update on this subject at the next PSCC meeting.

8. The Prevention Command has been leading on this work and since April 2006 has been reviewing the current 'Local Resolution Guidelines.’ The intention is to streamline the LR process, to improve timeliness and to place the emphasis on organisational learning.

9. In particular the review has examined the benefits or otherwise of dispensing with the form 163D. This has involved consultation with the IPCC the Police Federation and MPS legal advisors as the proposed changes may impact on legal requirements in the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2004. Changes may also be necessary to the form 3352 used for reporting public complaints to ensure complainants receive more information and to ensure officers understand the purpose of the LR process better.

10. The review will culminate in a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and be placed before the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee on 12 September 2006. (Final consultation is underway with a date for return set for 31 July).

11. The Prevention Command has recently completed a programme of training visits at all Command Units to improve understanding of the LR process. Ratification of the proposed LR SOP will result in a second series of Command Unit training by the Prevention Command to ensure the new system is conducted in an informed way.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The dip sampling has highlighted that DPS ability to sustain its statutory monitoring obligations in support of the Race and Diversity Strategy 2006 -2009 is dependent, on occasions, on information gathered outside the MPS. (For example, where complainant details are recorded by a third party).

2. The Prevention Command is currently reviewing how best to meet these obligations with planned discussion at the next IPCC Quarterly Practitioners Committee meeting forming part of this review process. The aim would be that all gateways into the complaints system are configured to meet statutory monitoring obligations.

D. Financial implications

These responses represent core business for the Prevention Command and should generate no additional expenditure.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Magnus Gudmundsson, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


1. Requested at the 18 May 2006 PSCC meeting [Back]

2. Report 9 of the PSCC meeting of the 9th March 2006. [Back]

3. The DPS Prevention Command was established on the 1st April 2006. [Back]

4. Sec 2.22.7 version 2006/2b [Back]

5. Compliance with ‘statutory notification’ responsibilities and the need to maintain a record on file of all updates to officers has been emphasised. [Back]

6. 18t September 2006 [Back]

7. Ref PC1634/05 and PC3068/05. [Back]

8. DPS Prevention and Organisational Learning Command SMT meeting minutes 20 June 06 Item 1 [Back]

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