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Report 8 of the 8 February 2007 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and discusses progress on strand 4 of the MPS Professional Standards Strategy. This strand was established to ensure that DPS activity is not undertaken in isolation, but links with and supports other corporate programmes, particularly Together and Diversity and Citizen Focus.

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Progress on strand 4 of the MPS Professional Standards Strategy

Report: 8
Date: 8 February 2006
By: AC Directorate of Professional Standards on behalf of the Commissioner


This strand of the Professional Standards Strategy was established to ensure that DPS activity is not undertaken in isolation, but links with and supports other corporate programmes, particularly Together and Diversity and Citizen Focus.

The strand working group has made considerable progress in coordinating and facilitating the corporate priorities. Links with other change programmes have been firmly established and the regular meetings between DPS, HR and Diversity and Citizen focus Directorate ensure that they are maintained.

A. Recommendations

That members note the report

B. Supporting information

1. The work within Strand 4 - Corporate Strategy and Priorities - focuses on ensuring that DPS activity is not undertaken in isolation, but professional standards issues are reflected in corporate work and priorities. To achieve this, links were required with the Modernisation Programme, incorporating ‘Together’, citizen focus and partnership working.

2. The strand working group has made considerable progress in coordinating and facilitating the corporate priorities. This has largely been achieved through regular meetings of key managers within DPS, HR and the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate (DCF), during which business groups’ strategies are shared and mutual assistance given, where this would add value. For example, in the recent development of the Professional Standards Support Programme (PSSP), HR contributed to this DPS initiative through engagement of the Leadership Academy to address training needs.

3. The corporate value framework set up under Together is a strong starting point for delivering the desired changes highlighted in the Morris Inquiry, i.e., increasing the skills and confidence of line managers to tackle professional standards issues in a timely and appropriate manner, particularly where BME staff are involved.

4. Through the framework established by the HR Directorate, an infrastructure is being developed that will, over time, impact on behaviours and perceptions. It is a key piece of work in terms of professional standards, particularly in the light of the new misconduct procedures, due to be in place in 2008.

5. For its part, DPS is contributing to the ‘Together’ programme through delivery of regular professional standards lectures to recruits and presentations to first line supervisors and middle managers at the Leadership Academy.

6. The MPS Equalities Scheme has replaced the Diversity Strategy and the dedicated DPS diversity co-ordinator has responsibility for ensuring that the performance framework that is being developed under the scheme is reflected in our area of business. Furthermore, the Director DPS is a member of the Diversity Board, ensuring that there is a firm link between equalities and professional standards.

7. When the PSSP is rolled out, there will be a practical demonstration of Boroughs and OCUs being held to account for performance in professional standards matters, particularly if the DPS are supported by the MPA link members in negotiating with (B)OCU Commanders. The fundamental review that DPS has undergone has established a range of new initiatives that will enable more accurate and meaningful assessment of the reality behind statistics, which should facilitate performance measurement.

8. Most recently, the DPS has developed a policy surrounding officers who are accused of domestic violence and similar offences. In developing this policy, links have been made with the Violent Crime Directorate and the corporate policies on domestic violence and rape, etc.

9. It is hoped that these examples will give the MPA PSCC reassurance that the DPS considers the wider corporate picture when undertaking its activities and developing policies and strategy.

C. Race and equality impact

The effective implementation of ‘Our Values’, Together, Morris, Taylor, CRE and Ghaffur and the MPS Equality Scheme with a sustained commitment, will address fairness, equality and disproportionality, both in relation to MPS staff and the wider community.

D. Financial implications

Costs for any subsequent work will be met from within the existing MPS budgets directed by the MPS Professional Standards Strategic Committee, HR Board and the MPS Diversity Board.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Commander Sue Akers, Directorate of Professional Standards.

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