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Report 6 of the 13 September 2007 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and sets out the progress in respect of the recently commenced review of the Directorate of Professional Standards core business activities and the strategic programme of work for the next 24 months.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Update on progress of review of Directorate of Professional Standards core business activities

Report: 6
Date: 13 September 2007
By: Assistant Commissioner Operational Services on behalf of the Commissioner


This report sets out the progress in respect of the recently commenced review of the Directorate of Professional Standards core business activities and the strategic programme of work for the next 24 months.

A. Recommendations

That members note the progress made in respect of the review since its inception in June 2007 and the proposed strategic programme of development for the next 24 months.

B. Supporting information

1. In June 2007 Commander Stuart Osborne initiated a strategic review of the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS). A DPS update Senior Management Team seminar was held in June, facilitated by Professor Jim Saker of Loughborough University Business School, to help define the DPS strategic programme of development for the next 24 months.

2. DPS has undergone a period of significant change in recent years, as a result of the recommendation, emanating from the Morris Inquiry, to undertake a fundamental review of the work of DPS. This strategic programme signals a new phase for DPS, it is not intended to be about fundamental change but about the evolution of DPS and moving forwards to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

3. DPS command team agreed the following strategic programme of development for the next 24 months covering five key themes;

  • Taylor Report - New police misconduct procedures
    Work is underway to prepare the MPS for the implications of the new misconduct procedures for police officers, originating from the recommendations of the Taylor Report. It is anticipated that the new procedures will become mandatory for the police service in April/May 2008; a project team is already in place and developing a detailed project plan.
  • The Professional Standards Support Programme (PSSP)
    The PSSP aims to deliver core Professional Standards messages to personnel engaged in regular service delivery to the people of London. The support programme is a significant part of the DPS’s strategic ambition to place prevention at the core of the Directorate’s business activity.
  • Intelligence
    It was agreed that the core business function of DPS was information and knowledge management. In order to perform this function to the highest level there is a need for intelligence to be a driving force at the hub of the DPS. The alignment of resources will be re-evaluated with a view to enabling a more pro-active approach to intelligence gathering and development.
  • Investigations - Covert
    The nature and volume of covert anti-corruption work has changed, however the structures and resourcing within the anti-corruption teams has remained static. Ongoing work to establish the most effective means of addressing the emerging challenges is underway. Enhancing the links between the intelligence and investigation functions will facilitate a more pro-active approach to identifying corruption.
  • Investigations - Overt
    This incorporates the work of both the Specialist Investigation Team and the Borough Support Investigation Teams. Borough Support Investigations form the volume of DPS work. How this function will look in the future is closely linked with the outcomes from the Taylor project.

4. DPS Command Team agreed that the above key themes will be supported by focusing on the following areas;

  • Stakeholders
    Managing and developing the relationships with key stakeholders, in particular the IPCC and our staff associations.
  • Organisational structure
    Evaluating whether the organisational structure within DPS is complementary to the themes and ensures the efficiency of business within DPS.
  • Resources 
    Realignment of resources within DPS will be considered to ensure the most appropriate balance and to ensure that effectiveness and efficiency is viewed on an MPS as well as a directorate basis.
  • Finance
    DPS is committed to a series of financial savings up to and including the financial year 2010/11, accentuating the need to ensure DPS continually improves business efficiency.
  • IT 
    IT systems within DPS must be cohesive and facilitate best use of intelligence, keeping pace with wider IT developments.
  • Communications and marketing
    To create a shared identity and engender a sense of pride in working for DPS, in order to make it an appealing place to work and ensure it is able to attract the most skilled officers.
  • Culture 
    To improve interoperability between the departments within DPS and achieve a culture of transparency and openness, wherever possible.

5. A programme management approach will be used to deliver these developments, the initial stages being to evaluate the current status of the theme and to identify where it needs to be in 24 months time, establishing key deliverables and milestones to set out how that theme will develop and be taken forward.

6. Regular updates, in the format of highlight reports, on the five themes will be provided.

C. Race and equality impact

The inaugural meeting of the DPS Diversity Steering Group takes place next month and work is in progress to recruit a Diversity Co-ordinator for DPS. As part of this strategic programme of development, extensive consultation and engagement with key stakeholders will be undertaken and will continue throughout the implementation by the Project Leads. It is anticipated that any changes proposed and benefits realised will improve the trust and confidence of the public and our staff.

D. Financial implications

Financial implications for this DPS strategic programme of work have yet to be fully scoped but are expected to be met from within the DPS financial budget allocation.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Sharon Hicks, Planning Manager, MPS

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