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Report 8 of the 13 March 2008 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee on the use of of Direction and Control by the MPS.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Direction and control

Report: 8
Date: 13 March 2008
By: Assistant Commissioner Operational Services on behalf of the Commissioner


The use by the MPS of Direction and Control as a disposal for complaints against officers is now at a nominal level. The Tribune database is an effective database record. Systems to monitor Direction and Control have been put in place to review the ongoing position.

A. Recommendations

That members note the summary of information contained in the report and support the approach that is being adopted.

B. Supporting information

1. Direction and Control Matters fall in to two areas. Firstly, complaints are made to the MPS about its policies and operational practices. The Directorate of Citizen Focus is currently conducting a project, and it is expected that its findings will be published in April 2008. The other sphere is public complaints against individual officers that are deemed to be, an expression of dissatisfaction with MPS policy. It is this latter aspect, which is addressed in this paper.

2. Very few complaints are now classified as ‘Direction and Control’. In the business year so far, the total is 16. The previous year (2006/2007) the total was 15. This represents 0.25% of all public complaints. An overview of these cases suggests that, in the main, the circumstances fall within this classification. These statistics are in contrast to previous years and, indicate that processes have been tightened up whilst recognising that the inception of the IPCC has led to more appeals against Direction and Control determinations being upheld. By way of comparison, in the years 2002/3, 2003/4 and 2004/5 the totals were 53, 72 and 94.

3. The DPS Customer Service Function now has the responsibility for recording matters as either complaints or deeming them to relate to Direction and Control in accordance with Home Office guidance. This provides a degree of consistency. The DPS Review Team has now been tasked with bi-annual dip sampling of the cases, which, given the low numbers should not impact on their capacity or resources. The statistics for Directional and Control classifications will now be included in the monthly review data of the MMR to be monitored by the DPS.

4. Ostensibly, where complaints are made that appear either to be concerning Direction and Control or where this is the appropriate disposal, a process is in place to refer this to the DPS Prevention and Reduction Team. This acts as a clearinghouse for organisational learning, which derives from DPS business. Any policy issues are directed to the most appropriate branch/command within the MPS. For example, complaints about custody practice and detention facilities are communicated to operation Emerald and are considered when their operating procedures are reviewed. As indicated above, the issue of complaints about policy is being addressed through the Directorate of Citizen Focus.

5. Perhaps the most tangible evidence of success is that Direction and Control as an outcome for complaints against officers is rarely employed. The IPCC’s stance appears to be that individual officers have discretion and that they must account for their decision-making. When investigating individual complaints DPS investigators are mindful of any corporate learning, and information, through the Prevention and Reduction Team, is disseminated throughout the MPS.

C. Race and equality impact

The dip sample by the Review Team will include an assessment of any disproportional factors on the grounds of race or any other equality criteria.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s):  Alex Gibbs T/Detective Superintendent, DPS

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