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Report 19 of the 11 Oct 01 meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee and discusses the action plan arising from a review of a series of complaints.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Update on action plan arising from MPS inquiry

Report: 19
Date: 11 October 2001
By: Commissioner


In response to the review of a series of complaints, an action plan was agreed to ensure implementation of the recommendations arising from the review. As agreed at the June PSPM Committee meeting, members will be updated by exception.

A. Recommendations

That the Committee note the report.

B. Supporting information

Haringey Borough - Stop and Search monitoring

Stop and Search activity July 2001 - June 2001

No. Searched

No. Arrested

% Arrested

Haringey Officers








1. Six enquiries were received arising from a stop and search interaction. Two required further investigation and were both subsequently informally resolved in accordance with Home Office guidelines. The relative arrest rates for different ethnic groups are not available for this period.

Operational Leadership Seminars

2. Seminars for Inspectors and Sergeants were completed on 22 June. These will be repeated on a 6 monthly basis.

Complaints Intervention Programme

3. Haringey’s Complaint Intervention Programme and the learning from its application is being linked to work by the Directorate of Professional Standards (Borough Support) who are developing corporate policy on identifying ‘officers of concern’ and selecting appropriate investigative and management intervention.

4. Management intervention action is triggered when officers receive three complaints in a 12 month period or over 10 complaints during their career (whichever comes first)

Inspection and review

5. An inspection of Haringey was conducted between 12-18 June 2001 by HMIC following the guidance set out in ‘Going Local-The BCU Inspection Handbook’ published by HMIC in April 2001. HMIC’s conclusions were that ‘Haringey is a high performing BCU (Basic Command Unit), which is well led and managed’.

6. The TP ACPO performance Inspection postponed just prior to HMIC’s visit will be re-scheduled.

Directorate of Professional Standards

Case review process

7. Project manager identified, briefed and in post.

Intelligence analysis process

8. Analysis of multiple complaints and the development of a corporate methodology commences 9 September by staff from Commander Cressida Dick’s Central Advisory Team [DCC1[2]]

Repeat complaint reduction strategy

9. Westminster (Paddington), Merton, Tower Hamlets and SO5 (Child Protection) OCU are the agreed demonstration sites. Representatives from the borough OCUs, DPS and PRS were briefed regarding the objectives and purpose of the project. SO5 representatives will be briefed separately. Training and process mapping commences in September.

C. Financial implications

A dedicated DPS case review and intelligence analysis process has been costed and a budget allocation of £8,000 has been approved from within existing budgets.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: DAC Hayman 020 7230 4271

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