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Minutes of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee meeting on 11 December 2001 held at Romney House, Westminster, London SW1.



  • Richard Sumray (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Lynne Featherstone
  • R David Muir
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Johanna Gillians
  • Carol McDonald
  • Nick Baker

MPS staff

  • Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner)
  • Tim Godwin (DAC)
  • Steve House (DAC)

Also present: Gerry Howlett (Borough Commander – Bromley) and DAC Carol Howlett.

In addition, approximately 20 members of the press/public and other MPA/MPS staff were present.

Part 1

40. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

No apologies were received.

The Chair took the opportunity to welcome to the meeting DAC Steve House the new head of Performance Review.

41. Minutes of meeting: 11 October 2001

(Agenda item 2)

The minutes of the Committee meeting held 11 October 2001 were agreed and signed as a correct record.

42. Chair’s and members’ update

(Agenda item 3)

The Chair informed Members that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee were seeing nominations from this Committee to review the Willis’ report on risk management.

Following a recent workshop on complaints, the Chair confirmed that a report would be presented to a future meeting of the Committee on this issue.

Resolved - That 

  1. Anthony Arbour and R David Muir join the review of the Willis report into risk management group; and
  2. a report on complaints workshop be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.

43. Professional Standards Best Value Review Implementation Plan 

(Agenda item 4)

In November 2000, the Professional Standards Best Value Review concluded. This work represented a pilot best value review for the MPS and was undertaken prior to the establishment of the MPA.

The Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee agreed that this Committee should monitor progress and performance once an implementation plan had been prepared and approved. The Committee now considered a report that included an implementation plan, together with summaries of benefits, costs and efficiency savings 

It was noted that the review was currently being inspected by HMIC and that a draft inspection report would be made to Members in the New Year.

MPA and MPS officers will work towards assuring the implementation plan fits best value monitoring requirements.

Resolved - That

  1. the implementation plan be agreed as a basis for monitoring implementation and performance following the best value review (via updates to PSPM Committee in April, August and December 2002);
  2. this report be submitted to HMIC to form part of the ongoing inspection of the review;
  3. a submission of a post-implementation review to PSPM in December 2002; and
  4. Members note the efficiency savings and non-financial benefits arising from DPS best value review and related work.

44. Investigative performance and misconduct procedures

(Agenda item 5)

The Committee considered a report that gave templates on how to report to the MPA on key performance indicators and diversity information in the area of complaints, supplemented by trend analysis and exception reporting.

The report also informed Members that public complaint allegations had continued to reduce at an annual rate of approximately 12% and that a higher proportion of fully investigated allegations were being substantiated. It was also noted that there had been an improvement in the timeliness of investigations, with cases now subject to 60-100 days review.

Resolved – That 

  1. the templates for key performance indicators and diversity information be agreed;
  2. the diversity information is also received by CDO Committee.

45. October Performance Report

(Agenda item 6)

The Committee received a report that gave an overview of MPS performance against targets in the policing plan.

The Deputy Commissioner raised concerns relating to the increase in street crime and burglary, together with the continuing problems relating to mobile phone theft. Members also raised concerns about the high number of mobile phone thefts and the apparent lack of support for the MPS from mobile phone companies. Members noted that a report on these issues would be presented to the Committee’s next meeting.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

46. progress on PNC data quality

(Agenda item 7)

The Committee considered a report that updated Members the MPS drive to ensure that the results of all criminal prosecutions are promptly and accurately recorded on the Police National Computer (PNC).

Members suggested that MPS officers would need to re-consider the impending prosecution figure for March 2002 which indicated ‘nil’. 

Resolved – That

  1. Members note the current position on the impending prosecution reduction target;
  2. the impending prosecution figure is revised from nil to a more realistic figure;
  3. Members note that the MPS continues with an internal twelve-month project (Commenced April 2001 – concluding March 2002) designed to improve PNC data quality and ensuring that the result of all criminal cases that have been concluded in the courts are recorded on the PNC; and
  4. Members support the MPS, once this position is achieved, in continuing with the aim of removing this administrative burden from the police service and transferring it to the Lord Chancellor’s Office where the responsibility properly sit. 

47. Inspection rationale

(Agenda item 8)

Members received a report that outlined the reasoning and rationale for why boroughs are being inspected. It was reported that the rationale is the foundation for the introduction of the new MPS Local Inspection Programme and it is the Commissioner’s aim that the MPS has a robust inspection framework ensuring that all Operational and Support Command units/Directorates are effective contributors to service delivery.

Members agreed that link member involvement in inspections should be reviewed and that a report be presented to the April meeting of the Committee

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. a report that reviews link member involvement in inspections be presented to the April meeting of the Committee. 

48. MPS local inspection programme Bromley BOCU inspection

(Agenda item 9)

The Committee received a report that that gave an executive summary of the inspection report, under the new MPS Local Inspection programme, which took place at Bromley Borough Operational Command Unit (BOCU) during October 2001.

The Committee welcomed the Borough Commander of Bromley, Gerry Howlett, who gave his feed back on the inspection process, which overall he had felt to be a valuable experience, with the key outcome being the need to share best practice. Chief Superintendent Howlett reported that there had been a considerable amount to pre-inspection work and that he would have found it more useful to have received the inspection plan earlier.

Resolved – That

  1. Members note the emerging benefits identified during the inspection of Bromley Borough Operational Command Unit; and
  2. Members note the contents of the executive summary of the BOCU inspection report and action plan.

49. Link member involvement in the MPS local inspection programme 

(Agenda item 10)

Members were invited to approve a protocol for member involvement in the MPS local inspection programme and to ask the full Authority to nominate link members for the Operational Command Units or Directorates to be inspected. 

Resolved – That

  1. the Committee approve the draft protocol for link Member involvement in the new MPS local inspection programme; and
  2. the full Authority be asked to nominate link members for the Operational Command Units or Directorates to be inspected, as considered appropriate.

50. Child Protection Teams

(Agenda item 11)

The Committee considered a progress report that outlined the changes in the MPS approach to child protection following a recent case. These changes arise from both the MPS internal review and those likely to emerge from the ministerial inquiry.

Arising from the discussion Members highlighted the importance of ongoing training, particularly across the various agencies as well as disseminating best practice. 

Member agreed that following the ministerial inquiry the Committee should receive a further report on this issue.

Resolved – That

  1. Members note the progress in addressing child protection issues especially since the death of Victoria Climbie; and
  2. Members receive a presentation by CPT to the Committee following the publication of Lord Laming’s report in mid 2002

51. Presentation of street/youth crime

(Agenda item 12)

The Committee received a presentation from DAC Godwin on street/youth crime. The presentation included: an overview of trends; details of notable offences; details on burglary, auto-crime and street crime. DAC Godwin’s presentation also considered underlying factors, the MPS response, which included details of the policing model, intelligence, investigation, forensics, targeting, diversion and problem solving, as well as partnership working with other agencies such as the MPA, schools and families. The presentation then moved on to discuss persistent young offenders, the criminal justice system, successful operations in street/youth crime as well as future schemes and proposals. 

The Committee thanked DAC Godwin for his presentation and welcomed the on- going work in this field, particularly that with other agencies. In addition, Members highlighted the need for further develop work with school, governors and parents and the need for the development for improved protection of witnesses.

Resolved – That the presentation be received and MPA officers and Members consider how best to take forward the further work required.

52. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 13)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during agenda item 15 as it was likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a) (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Resolved - That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following items of business.

Summary of exempt items

53. Presentation of street/youth crime

(Agenda item 14)

None of DAC Godwin’s presentation was required to be held during the exempt part of the meeting.

54. Police regulations

(Agenda item 15)

The Committee considered a number of complaints under the Police Regulations.

The meeting closed at 6.05 p.m.

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