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Report 9 of the 14 Feb 02 meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee and presents the report of the inspection of Camden Borough OCU by Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

HMIC inspection of Camden Borough OCU

Report: 09
Date: 14 February 2002
By: Clerk


The report of the inspection of Camden Borough OCU by Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabularies are presented for review.

A. Recommendation

That the Committee notes the report and resolves to receive from the MPS details of action taken to address the recommendations made.

B. Supporting information

1. In respect of Camden, HMIC conclude that it has not performed well against key targets over the previous 12 months; this situation is accepted by the relatively new SMT members. The OCU has limited capacity to undertake proactive work and faces high demand in calls for assistance. There is a need to re-focus to achieve clarity in relation to plans and priorities, and to introduce clear performance and accountability systems. The Inspection team was impressed by the dedication and enthusiasm of staff and the extensive partnership arrangements, and is confident that performance can be improved.

2. It was recommended that:

  1. A review be undertaken of the terms of reference and staffing of all squads and teams operating on the OCU with a view to realigning resources in support of corporate and OCU aims and objectives.
  2. Continued effort and emphasis be applied at a local level to the prudent management of budgets and resources.
  3. The priorities for the OCU be re-established, ensuring a small number of key operational activities are clearly communicated to all staff and are supported by appropriate performance data and accountability mechanisms.
  4. A performance management strategy be developed and introduced. This should include clear lines of accountability supported by timely management information, focussed in support of key target areas and benchmarked against similar OCUs.
  5. A regular review be undertaken of outstanding DNA/forensic identifications, with priority crimes being fast tracked.
  6. A fundamental review be undertaken of the telephone investigation unit in order to establish how it can best assist and support response teams and CAD. This should include consideration of broadening the unit's terms of reference to provide a help and information function, and a review of staffing and opening hours.
  7. A comprehensive demand management strategy be developed and implemented.

3. The Inspection team suggested the following items for consideration.

  1. There was scope to improve the standard of briefings which should be assisted by current plans to reduce the number of parade sites.
  2. Key members of the SMT were based at different stations and this should be reconsidered in the interest of corporacy.

4. The Inspection team identified the following areas of good practice:

  1. A six month pilot initiative involving the introduction of motorcycle patrols to increase mobility in congested traffic.
  2. A system to grade crime scene preservation which provides management information and ensures effective, professional feedback to operational officers.

5. A full copy of the report has been forwarded to the link Member, Richard Sumray.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers

HMIC Borough Inspection Report on Camden

E. Contact details

Report authors: Keith Dickinson, MPA.

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