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Complaints, conduct and efficiency

Report: 8
Date: 29 August 2000
By: Clerk


The accompanying paper has been prepared to give members of the Committee an oversight of the law, regulations and procedures, which apply to Police Officers, whose conduct or efficiency is called to account. The Committee, under delegated powers, has a direct responsibility for the conduct and efficiency of ACPO officers and a general duty to oversee the whole of the complaints process as it relates to MPS officers. The Report also has a section on Outcomes, which is dealt with in more detail below.

A. Supporting information

1. The Report is attached at Appendix 1. As regards Section 12, ‘Outcomes for the Authority’ the present position is as follows:

2. 12(i) Need to consider Committee structure and procedure for overseeing complaints Present arrangements should be regarded as interim, as the MPS is re-structuring, with a view to forming a Directorate of Professional Standards.

3. 12(ii) Members to receive training for their responsibilities in relation to Police Appeals Tribunals This will only apply to members of the MPA who are not members of this Committee. Because of this Committee’s responsibility for overseeing the whole of the complaints process, the impartiality of members of this Committee might be questioned, if members sat on subsequent appeals.

4. 12(iii) Discuss with the Commissioner whether a Protocol is needed for dealing with complaints against ACPO officers It is suggested that the Clerk could report to a future meeting on what procedures were in place in the MPS prior to July 3rd and the Committee could then decide whether or not to adopt them as they stand or with amendments.

5. 12(iv) Agree a protocol for member Guidance on approaches for assistance over individual complaints This is dealt with as a separate Agenda Item.

6. 12(v) Agree a procedure for handling complaints relating to the Authority’s responsibilities, that are initially referred to the Mayor or the Commissioner This is dealt with as a separate Agenda Item.

7. 12(vi) Agree with the Commissioner and the GLA, personnel policies for civilian employees, including procedures for handling complaints and discipline. This is being considered by the Human Resources Committee.

8. 12(vii) Agree with the Commissioner the existing protocol between the MPS and the MPC to provide for MPA involvement in the selection process of civilians of Grade 6 and above. This is also being considered by the Human Resources Committee. It is likely that they will restrict themselves to involvement in appointments at Grade 5 and above.

9. 12(viii) Discuss with the Commissioner whether there should be a right of appeal to the Authority by civilian employees, who have been dismissed. At present the status quo is being preserved, so that employees who may be dismissed appeal direct to an Industrial Tribunal. But the position will be reviewed in the light of proposals that are expected from the Association of Police Authorities, that there should be some Police Authority involvement in civilian staff dismissals.

10. Section 13 - Quality of Service Committee responsibility has been divided with public satisfaction surveys coming to this Committee and issues concerning ill-health, recruitment and wastage going to the Human Resources Committee.

11. A separate report is attached at Annex 1 which sets out the statutory framework for this report.

B. Recommendations

1. This Report is for the information of members.

C. Financial implications


D. Review arrangements

The Committee will receive Reports on Complaints and Discipline at each meeting.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • The Police Act 1996 and the various Regulations and Guidance Rules referred to in the Report.

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Clive Williams.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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