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Provision of analytical support to the MPA

Report: 10
Date: 29 August 2000
By: Clerk


The paper presents options to identify the type and extent of analytical support required by the MPA over-and-above the support available from the MPS.

A. Supporting information

1. The remit of the PSPM Committee includes:

  • monitoring MPS performance against agreed indicators and targets;
  • overseeing the development of new or revised indicators and targets;
  • general consideration of performance management issues.

2. Agreement has been reached with the MPS concerning the supply of performance and management information to the MPA and its Committees. The information will often have been analysed by the MPS and, on request, the MPS will be able to provide more detailed analysis on matters of interest to Members.

3. It is appropriate for the MPA to consider the type and extent of analytical support required over-and-above that available from the MPS. The ‘Day 1’ staffing position presented to the Human Resources Committee on 21 July 2000 made provision for a (Grade 7) senior analyst. It was envisaged the postholder would provide early advice to Members on the need (or not) for research and analytical support independent to that provided by the MPS.

4. The senior analyst post has not been filled and the work to identify MPA requirements remains outstanding. As an interim measure, an officer has been tasked to undertake a junior analyst role (working with MPS staff).

5. Any consideration of MPA requirements needs to be seen in the context of the support available from the MPS. This is a developing issue for the organisation and the MPS’ Consultancy Group has recently been tasked to undertake a Service-wide review. This being the case three main options present themselves:

  1. Appoint a senior analyst on a temporary basis pending identification of longer-term needs (eg seconded from the MPS or another organisation);
  2. Extend the scope of the planned MPS-wide study to include identification of MPA requirements;
  3. Commission a separate short study to identify MPA needs (from the MPS’ Consultancy Group or an external consultancy).

Appoint a senior analyst

6. Assuming an appropriate individual could be identified and appointed then this option would fulfil any likely immediate needs the MPA would have for analytical support. Further, the individual would be able (working with MPA Members and officers plus MPS managers) to identify and justify MPA requirements and ensure MPS and MPA developments complemented each other. This option is preferred.

Extend the scope of the planned review

7. Obviously, the findings of the review would need to be reflected in any development work on behalf of the MPA. However, it is not considered appropriate for a review reporting to MPS managers to include within its scope recommendations about the needs of the MPA. This option is not preferred.

Commission a separate study

8. In the absence of a senior analyst able to advise the MPA on its longer-term needs it would be appropriate to commission a short review to assess these needs and, if necessary, to outline job descriptions and person specifications. This would probably take 5 to 10 days. It is considered that MPS Consultancy Group could provide the MPA with appropriate professional and independent advice though Members may wish to consider employing external consultants. This option is preferred if a senior analyst is not appointed (subject to agreement on any consultancy costs and completion dates).

B. Recommendations

The MPA appoints a senior analyst (Grade 7) on a temporary basis with a view to identifying and justifying the Authority’s requirements for research and analytical support.

C. Financial implications

The Grade 7 salary range is currently £29,677 - £46,313 plus £1,662 Location Allowance.

D. Review arrangements

A paper outlining analytical requirements and justifying any resource needs will be presented in due course.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed below or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.


F. Contact details

The author of this report is Derrick Norton.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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