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This is report 1a from the 16 November 2010 meeting of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board, Waltham Forest update report.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Waltham Forest update report

Report: 1a
Report for the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board
Date: 16 November 2010
By: Kevin Bending, Detective Chief Inspector

1.1 Summary of issues discussed by the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board with the MPS BOCUs/ SCD2 requiring an update:

  • LA to access correct data and share
  • Waltham Forest to identify actions which will support increase of recording of LGBT DV and sex offences, and provide data for 6 months post-DSVB which evidences that these actions have been successful
  • WF BOCU to outline how many 124Ds are dip sampled over the course of last 6 months and whether all these were fully and satisfactorily completed by response officers.
  • WF SCD2 to provide update on number of referrals to Victim Support and compare with number of reported offences, to ensure all suitable cases are referred.
  • Waltham Forest to identify how the police in BOCU and SCD2 are strategically supporting the DV & SV Forum.
  • WF BOCU to outline how it uses feedback from partners to improve services
  • WF BOCU to describe how it plans to address HBV.
  • Waltham Forest to identify how successful the third party reporting sites have been in helping victims of domestic and sexual violence to report

2.1 LA to access correct data and share

2.2 This action is to be completed by Lynne Abrams (MPA).

3.1 Waltham Forest to identify actions which will support increase of recording of LGBT DV and sex offences, and provide data for 6 months post-DSVB which evidences that these actions have been successful

3.2 Data will be provided to MPA in December 2010.

4.1 WF BOCU to outline how many 124Ds are dip sampled over the course of last 6 months and whether all these were fully and satisfactorily completed by response officers

4.2 Every 124D is read and supervised by not only the PS on the response team, but also the CSU DS.

4.3 At the point of reading, any 124D that falls short of the required standard is referred back to the officer either for further action or organisational learning.

4.4 Dip sampling is not required due to the level of supervision. In effect, the 124Ds are statements and, as such their completion and content are considered essential for each DV crime.

5.1 WF SCD2 to provide update on number of referrals to Victim Support and compare with number of reported offences, to ensure all suitable cases are referred

5.2 Figures are not yet available as the flagging system is still new. CRIS updates to ensure automatic referral when a SOIT officer adds the correct flag are not yet in place.

5.3 Local VSS attended the SCD2 (Waltham Forest cluster) training day on 17/06/10 where discussion took place between agencies as to the best practice for referrals.

5.4 It was apparent that local VSS were also not familiar with the new arrangements. As the requested data is to be captured through the use of recently introduced (and not yet fully functioning) systems, this cannot accurately be provided at this time.

5.5 If still required, this should be requested in 6 months time.

6.1 Waltham Forest to identify how the police in BOCU and SCD2 are strategically supporting the DV & SV Forum

6.2 CDRP is attended by senior managers at WF police. Chief Inspector Partnership represents and cascades any action plans and requests through to the relevant units.

6.3 DI CSU regularly liaises with Chief Inspector Partnership to ensure the strategic perspective is carried through to the tactical phases.

7.1 WF BOCU to outline how it uses feedback from partners to improve services

7.2 Feedback from partners is often shared within the MARAC forum.

7.3 DV feedback is not something that is collated as per MPS directives.

7.4 Feedback from partners is considered and reviewed and, where appropriate actioned through MARAC.

7.5 All actions for MARAC are recorded on an action document and held within the CSU folder of the WF shared drive.

8.1 WF BOCU to describe how it plans to address HBV

8.2 HBV is a description added to crimes with, in the main, DV flags. HBV describes a cultural view of potential actions and actual actions taken by family members if ‘dishonour’ is perceived to have befallen a family.

8.3 There are already working SOPs, an HBV ACPO strategy, HBV tactical options document set by the Violent Crime Directorate and a SPOC at the CSU Service Delivery Team.

8.4 Thus HBV is investigated and risk managed utilising the DV Delivery plan, the National HBV Guidance, the MPS SOP and the Violent Crime Directorate Tactical Options document.

8.5 The WF DV Delivery plan and the DV SOP are the first considerations, however, if HBV is identified, then the structured reference documents are followed.

8.6 All CSU officers are aware of these documents and of the SPOC at the CSU Delivery Team , DC Rhoden.

9.1 Waltham Forest to identify how successful the third party reporting sites have been in helping victims of domestic and sexual violence to report

9.2 Third party reporting sites were established for victims of crime by the local authority to enhance confidence and trust in reporting away from the police.

9.3 These sites are managed solely by the local authority, which is part of the working strategy; that police should not be involved in the management of the sites as it could dissuade victims of crime in coming forward.

9.4 Therefore, it could be detrimental to the third party reporting scheme for enquiries to be made in this area by police.

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