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This page contains press release 20/08, MPA Statement - Crime Data recording Scrutiny.

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MPA Statement - Crime data recording Scrutiny

18 April 2008

Richard Sumray, MPA member and co-chair of the Authority's recent scrutiny to examine the accuracy of Metropolitan Police Service crime recording, said today:

"The MPA carried out a scrutiny into the accuracy of MPS crime data recording following an approach by the Metropolitan Police Service. The work received full co-operation from the Met.

"The scrutiny focus was on the quality of crime data recorded by the MPS rather than assessing whether recorded crime levels represent an accurate reflection of actual crime in London.

"The scrutiny examined policies and procedures, including the inherent conflict between centrally set targets and those of the police service and community.

"The scrutiny also identified potentially conflicting processes and that the same systems are used for performance monitoring, intelligence gathering and investigation purposes.

"There is absolutely no suggestion that the MPS is deliberately preventing Londoners from reporting crime or manipulating crime figures. The scrutiny found no indication of corporate dishonesty in crime recording.

"The MPS had identified some of the issues raised in the scrutiny and has already made a number of improvements. It continues to work towards ensuring that crime recording meets the needs of Londoners."

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