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This page contains press release 22/08, MPA – 2008 London Independent Custody Visitors conference

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See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA – 2008 London Independent Custody Visitors conference

25 April 2008

The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) is hosting a conference for all London Independent Custody Visitors on Saturday 26 April 2008.

The main theme of the conference is ‘Modernising Custody - meeting the challenges of the future.’ Speakers include: Deputy Assistant Commissioner Rose Fitzpatrick; Head of the MPS Custody Directorate Chief Superintendent Joanna Young; Alan Brown of the Police Powers and Protection Unit, Home Office; and Fiona Cooper of the Border and Immigration Agency.

The afternoon will feature a presentation on the MPS taser trial and the implications for Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs).

John Roberts, MPA lead member for ICVs, said:

“Some key changes will be taking place within the custody environment in London over the next few years. The development of borough based custody centres will significantly modernise the custody estate, and the introduction of specially trained nurses will have a positive impact on the health and well being of detainees.

“London ICVs are also seeing an increasing number of immigration detainees held in police cells. At this years conference they will hear from the Borders and Immigration Agency and the MPS about this important issue.

“In organising the conference around the theme of modernising custody, we are keen to ensure that ICVs have an opportunity to engage with, and are kept informed of, the changes that will be taking place.”

Speaking about the vital work of ICVs, John Roberts concluded:

“Over 400 ICVs make unannounced calls to cells across London and the reports they make can lead to improvements being made to ensure detainees are treated in accordance with their rights. They play a very valuable role in their communities and the MPA greatly appreciates the time and commitment that they give.

“I want to encourage anyone who feels that they have the necessary enthusiasm, relevant life skills and time to volunteer as an ICV and help us to continue to make a real difference in this vital area.”

Notes to editors

1. The full conference programme can be found on the MPA website at: 

2. Information about the ICV scheme in London and how to become involved can be found on the MPA website at:

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