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This page contains press release 26/08, announcing the re-election of Len Duvall as Chair of MPA and Kit Malthouse as First Deputy Chair.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Metropolitan Police Authority re-elects Len Duvall as Chair and agrees Kit Malthouse as First Deputy Chair

29 May 2008

Following his unopposed re-election as chair of the MPA (until 30 September 2008) at the Authority’s annual general meeting on the 29 May 2008, Len Duvall said:

“Over the past four years I have worked hard with my MPA colleagues and the Met to make London as safe as possible for all our communities. Since the mayoral and assembly elections, when Boris Johnson was returned as mayor, and Kit Malthouse was appointed as deputy mayor for policing, we have had positive conversations about the way forward for policing in London and for the MPA in this interim period up to the 30 September. Boris Johnson will take over as chair of the Authority on 1 October.

“I considered carefully whether to stand for re-election and did not do so to frustrate the new executive. There are issues I wish to see through to their conclusion. It is not just one party that have made crime their priority - our successes have been achieved by working together. This approach will not change over the next few months and we will work to achieve consensus.

“With reference to the deputy chairs of the authority, I recommended we re-appoint Reshard Auladin and Cindy Butts to the posts, but with the additional appointment of Kit Malthouse as first deputy chair so that that he can prepare for the new administration in October.“

Kit Malthouse said:

“Len and I had extensive discussions about the transitional period for the MPA. It is extremely important that we manage the transition with as little disruption as possible before the mayor becomes chair on I October 2008. We can use the transition period over the next few months to prepare the ground by looking at the committee structures and how the MPA works.

“Len and I will work together to make this a smooth transition and ensure the work of the Authority continues to make London a safer place for all our communities.”

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