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This page contains press release 31/08, MPA Statement on the future development of the Metropolitan Police estate.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA Statement: future development of the Metropolitan Police estate

12 June 2008

Commenting on future development of the Metropolitan Police Estate, Aneeta Prem, Metropolitan Police Authority lead for estate issues, said:

“Central to our strategy is making policing more accessible to the public and based in local communities. We are working with the new Mayor and his administration to ensure that the estate serves everybody’s needs.

“As the largest single employer in London, the unprecedented growth in police numbers over the past few years has placed new demands on space and facilities. As a result, the Metropolitan Police Authority is implementing a major improvement programme to provide better alternatives for modern community focused policing so that we can continue to deliver an effective service.

“Local strategies to improve facilities, providing more accessible accommodation for both our staff and the public who need to contact the police, have been published for each of London’s 32 boroughs and local communities have been involved in consultation exercises led by borough commanders.

“We are acutely aware of the strength of feeling local communities have for easily accessible police facilities and are carefully considering the views received following the consultations before producing revised strategies. As Kit Malthouse, the deputy mayor for policing and first deputy chair of the MPA has said, nothing will be done in haste and no decisions have yet been taken.”

In conclusion, Aneeta said:

“We have made a clear commitment not to close a single front counter without an improved, fully operational replacement facility up and running. The provision of police services will never be jeopardised.”

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