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This page contains press release 44/08, announcing the appointment of the new MPA Independent members

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA: New Independent members announced

01 August 2008

The Metropolitan Police Authority today announced the appointment of nine independent members who will serve on the Authority for the next term of office starting on 1 October 2008.

Cindy Butts and Kirsten Hearn have been reappointed as independent members.

Reshard Auladin has been appointed as an independent member having previously served on the Authority as a magistrate member, a category that no longer exists.

Christopher Boothman, Dr Valerie Brasse, Neil Johnson, Clive Lawton, Deborah Regal and Graham Speed are newly appointed as independent members of the MPA.

Commenting on these appointments, Catherine Crawford, MPA Chief Executive, said:

“I am delighted to welcome our new independent members, each of whom brings valuable experience and expertise to their role with the Metropolitan Police Authority.

“I am also pleased that existing members considered the work of the Authority important enough to seek reappointment and that some were successful. Their return was in no way guaranteed, decisions were made after rigorous interview and consideration, but their presence will guarantee a vital level of operational continuity.

“The success of the MPA depends on the abilities and dedication of its members. I know that our new members will be dedicated to the task of ensuring a fair and effective police service for all London’s communities and look forward to commencing their duties.

“In welcoming the new independent members I should also like to pay tribute to the invaluable contribution of the current members who will be standing down at the end of September. Their dedicated work has helped to shape and improve policing in the capital.”

Notes to editors

  1. The Police & Justice Act (2007) changed the appointment process and basis of police authority membership in several ways. Magistrate members cease to exist as a separate category. The MPA will now comprise twelve London Assembly members appointed to the Authority by the mayor, and eleven Independent members, at least one of whom must be a magistrate, while one is appointed by the Home Secretary to represent her interest in the Metropolitan Police Service’s national and international functions.
  2. Lord Toby Harris already sits on the MPA as the Home Secretary’s appointee to represent her interest in the Metropolitan Police Service’s national and international functions. The other independent member is Faith Boardman who’s term of office lasts until 2011.
  3. These appointments will run until 30 June 2012.
  4. The appointments are subject to security clearance.
  5. The MPA independent member positions were advertised publicly and the closing date for applications was 4 June. Over 140 applications were received. The appointment process had two stages: a selection panel, on which the MPA, the mayor and the Home Office were represented, was responsible for recommending suitable candidates to the Authority, while the final selection and appointment was made by a panel of MPA members.

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