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This page contains a statement by the MPA in response to publication of HMIC interim report on the G20 policing operation.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Statement in response to publication of HMIC interim report on the G20 policing operation

7 July 2009

“The MPA welcomes the HMIC interim report on the G20 policing operation. Broadly supportive of the Metropolitan Police Service’s handling of public order policing, it makes a number of specific recommendations about training, communications with both protest groups and the public, and the paramount need for officers to be clearly identifiable. Recommendations referring to the police tactic of containment, known as ‘kettling’, such as informing the public when it is to be invoked, a plan to release vulnerable and distressed people, maintaining a flow of information to those caught-up in the area and access to amenities, are welcome. The MPA will expect the Commissioner and his senior management team to report progress to the full Authority.
“It is an inalienable right for individuals to protest peacefully on the streets, but the police need to balance this against their duty to maintain public order and safety. Currently there is confusion and misunderstanding within the debate on civil liberties and the police are drawn into this controversy. HMIC’s report is a welcome start to a much broader debate we need to have, engaging fully with the public and human rights organisations, and which the MPA new Civil Liberties Panel will want to progress as soon as possible.”

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