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This page contains a statement by the MPA in response to publication of HMIC interim report on the G20 policing operation.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Statement: MPA Civil Liberties Panel inaugural meeting

9 July 2009

The MPA Civil Liberties Panel met for the first time on 9 July 2009. At this meeting Victoria Borwick was elected chair, membership of the Panel was confirmed and terms of reference were discussed and agreed. The terms of reference will now be ratified at the next full Authority meeting. The first priority for the Civil Liberties Panel is a review of the HMIC report on the policing of G20.

The panel will provide regular reports to the full Authority updating them on the progress made against the panel's work programme and make recommendations to the Authority and the MPS as required.

Panel hearings will be held in open session except if there are extraordinary and compelling reasons to meet in private.

The members of the Panel are: Valerie Brasse, Dee Doocey, Kirsten Hearn, Jenny Jones, Clive Lawton, Joanne McCartney, Richard Tracey.

The MPA Civil Liberties Panel was introduced in the MPA's strategy for policing 'Met Forward', as a means of securing public confidence in policing tactics in London and ensuring the Met maintains public trust.

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