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A joint statement by the MPA and Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA and Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson joint statement

27 July 2011

Following Sir Paul Stephenson’s statement of his intention to resign as Metropolitan Police Commissioner, the Metropolitan Police Authority and Sir Paul have agreed to him formally leaving office as at midnight 26 July 2011.

Sir Paul’s wish is to ensure a successor can be appointed in good time to secure the continued delivery of vital and important police services to London particularly in view of the forthcoming Olympic Games.

At the time Sir Paul announced his intention to resign, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and the Chair of the Police Authority, Kit Malthouse both expressed their regret over his decision and their great respect for everything Sir Paul had achieved for the safety of London during his service with and leadership of the Metropolitan Police.

On behalf of the Authority, Kit Malthouse extended gratitude to Sir Paul for his very significant work and the dignity of his departure.

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