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Report 5 of the 23 September 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee, provides an update on the revenue monitoring position for 2010/11 at Period 4.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Capital and revenue budget monitoring 2010/11 – period 4

Report: 05
Date: 23 September 2010
By: Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report provides an update on the revenue monitoring position for 2010/11 at Period 4 (to the end of July). The revenue budget is forecast to overspend by £20.2m (0.6% of budget).

The Capital Programme as at period 4 (to the end of July) shows year to date total expenditure of £43.2m. This total represents 15.6% of the revised annual budget of £276.3m (excluding over-programming). The forecast for the year of £307.5m includes overprogramming of £29.1m above the forecast capital funding figure of £278.4m. However, the expectation is that expenditure will be kept within approved funding levels.

A. Recommendations

Members are invited to:

  1. Note the year to date and forecast position for revenue and capital budgets.
  2. 2. Note that Management Board are to agree a revised Officer Deployment Plan following the freeze on Police Officer recruitment prior to adjusting the Police Officer Pay budgets at Quarter 2.
  3. 3. Approve a request for a budget virement in excess of £1m (Para 64 refers).

B. Supporting information


1. This report provides a forecast against the revenue and capital budgets for the MPA/MPS in 2010/11 based on the position at the end of July 2010.

Additional In-year savings

2. Following the announcement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 24 May 2010 regarding in-year savings measures, Home Office notified the MPA/MPS that grant allocations will be reduced by £30.4m, with a further £5m reduction in Counter Terrorism funding. Of the £30.4m general grant reduction £28m relates to revenue and £2.4m relates to capital allocations.

3. In developing a programme to meet this late notification of grant reduction it should be noted that the 2010/11 budget approved by the MPA on 1 April 2010 included £124m of budget reductions which the Service is managing. Comparison with other Police Authority budgets shows that for the second year, the MPA/MPS is the only Authority/Service to deliver a reduction in their precept demand (2009/10 -1%; 2010/11 -3.3%). Managing the additional reductions will therefore put a significant additional pressure on the Service.

4. It should be noted that the current forecast overspend of £20.2m presents a serious challenge to the organisation given that additional savings of £30m have to be made in 2010/11 due to the in-year reduction in funding. Management Board are concerned at the level of the overspend, and are aware of need to take urgent action to ensure that by the end of the year expenditure is within budget.

5. In order to meet the required in-year savings, Management Board have approved a range of options to drive down expenditure, including the establishment of ‘star chambers’ through which particular expenditure requests must be approved. At this stage in the year, with the additional savings requirements only announced on 24 May 2010, not all Business Groups have been able to identify which specific budgets and forecasts will be affected, and where this is the case, savings have been forecast centrally. The in-year budget savings package can be summarised as follows:

Table 1 - Forecast of additional in-year savings at Period 3

Savings Options Target Saving £m
Supplies - goods and services 8.0
Transport - reduction in hire fleet 1.5
Temporary Staff, demand controlled through Star Chamber 2.0
Catering Services - general price rise has not been implemented but savings found elsewhere within Logistical Services. 0.5
Property - accelerate rationalisation of estate and property cost reductions 4.0
Overtime - additional reduction across officers and staff 2.0
Bonuses - ACPO officers and senior police staff 0.5
Special Priority Payments - 50% reduction in amount paid 7.0
Vacancy control on Police Staff - equals to 1% reduction over and above existing vacancy factor, demand controlled through Star Chamber 5.0
Total 30.5
Less reductions through the Capital Programme (2.4)
Plus CT Grant Reduction 5.0
Total Reduction Total 33.1

6. Where particular savings have been identified, such as within Supplies and Services and Property, budgets will be adjusted in Period 5. Given the overall financial position facing the Service, a freeze on officer recruitment has been implemented which is expected to result in savings of £12.9m in 2010/11. Further savings may be necessary as information becomes available regarding the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review in October, levels of other specific grants and income from partner organisations.

7. Following the freeze on Police Officer recruitment, Human Resources are preparing a revised deployment plan for discussion with Business Groups which will be submitted to Management Board for consideration, in particular the impact of any reductions in funded posts resulting from the freeze. Budgets will be reallocated between Business Groups by Period 6 to recognise the revised deployment plan and the current overstrength position within Territorial Policing.

Revenue Forecast by Business Group

Table 2 provides a summary of the revenue forecast by Business Group.

Table 2 – Summary of revenue forecast against budget at Period 4

Full Year Budget (Version B04)
Forecast Outturn
% Variance to Full Year Budget
Territorial Policing 1,363,878 1,385,055 21,178 1.6%
Specialist Crime 414,480 412,770 -1,710 -0.4%
Specialist Operations 8,777 8,955 178 0.1% [1]
Central Operations 195,018 192,432 -2,586 -1.3%
Olympics Security Directorate 0 0 0 0.0%
Deputy Commissioner's Portfolio 57,729 54,769 -2,960 -5.1%
Directorate of Public Affairs 6,691 6,670 -21 -0.3%
Directorate of Information 223,000 227,651 4,651 2.1%
Resources 278,165 276,165 -2,000 -0.7%
Human Resources 187,623 186,036 -1,587 -0.8%
MPA 13,362 13,239 -124 -0.9%
Centrally Held -2,748,724 -2,743,587 5,137 -0.2%
Total 0 20,155 20,155 0.6% [1]

Table 3 - Comparison of Period 4 forecast outturn variance with Period 2 forecast outturn variance

Business Group Period 4 Forecast Variance
Period 2 Forecast Variance
Change in Variance
Territorial Policing 21,178 19,048 2,129
Specialist Crime -1,710 511 -2,222
Specialist Operations 178 868 -690
Central Operations -2,586 -127 -2,459
Olympics Security Directorate 0 0 0
Deputy Commissioner's Portfolio -2,960 -2,712 -248
Directorate of Public Affairs -21 0 -21
Directorate of Information 4,651 5,651 -999
Resources -2,000 -3,904 1,904
Human Resources -1,587 -2,941 1,355
MPA -124 -49 -74
Centrally Held 5,137 16,259 -11,122
Total MPS 20,155 32,602 -12,447

8. The forecast outturn variance at Period 4 is an overspend of £20.2m.

9. The subjective position by Business Group is at Appendix 1. The overall position for the MPS is at Appendix 2.

10. Territorial Policing – An overspend of £21.2m – 1.6% of budget.
The forecast overspend relates principally to Police Officer Pay as a result of the current strength being higher than anticipated, due to Police Officers not moving to other Business Groups as originally planned (despite them holding vacancies and reporting underspends in this area) and shortages in some units, ranks and roles in Territorial Policing which also limit movement. There is also a budget pressure within Income as partners react to fiscal constraints and reduce or end partnership funding. These areas of budget pressures have been offset by underspends forecast within Police Overtime, Premises Costs, Transport Costs and Supplies and Services which result from action to produce savings in line with Management Board requirements.

11. There has been an overall adverse movement of £2.1m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2, principally relating to an increase in the forecasts for Police Staff Pay relating to Designated Detention Officers and Nurses for Herald (Custody Suites) and a correction of the income forecast within the Transport OCU which had been overstated during Period 2..

12. Specialist Crime – An underspend of £1.7m - 0.4% of budget
There are material variances in a number of subjective areas. An underspend of £5.3m is forecast within Police Officer Pay due to officer numbers being below target strength. This is offset by forecast overspends within Police Staff Pay with more staff than budgeted for within the Intelligence Bureau and Supplies and Services relating to increases in mobile data costs.

13. There has been an overall favourable movement of £2.2m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2, principally relating to Police Staff Pay following a reduction in strength within the Criminal Records Bureau.

14. Specialist Operations – An overspend of £0.2m – 0.1% of budget.
Reductions of Counter Terrorism Grant of £5m within Specialist Operations have been matched by forecast savings, principally within Police Officer and Police Staff Pay. The forecast overspend position results principally from Police Officer overtime resulting from additional protection duties required leading up to and following the General Election, as well as a number of high profile events requiring increased levels of protection. Additionally, higher overtime costs are expected within the Palace of Westminster for which additional Income has been forecast. The overtime overspend is largely offset by an underspend in Police Staff Pay.

15. There has been a favourable movement of £0.7m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2, principally relating to additional income for services provided by SO15, Palace of Westminster and ACPO TAM.

16. Central Operations – An underspend of £2.6m – 1.3% of budget.
The forecast underspend relates principally to Police Officer Pay due to officer numbers being below target strength. This is partly offset by a forecast overspend within Police Staff pay (£1.1m) although budget adjustments are anticipated in future periods relating to Operation Reclaim (seizure of uninsured vehicles) and other initiatives which will address this. Additionally, an overspend is also forecast within Transport Costs (£0.5m) relating to the Air Support Unit, due to increased contract inflation for maintenance costs and increased fuel costs.

17. There has been a favourable movement of £2.5m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2, principally relating to Police Officer and Police Staff pay where vacancies are not being filled as initially envisaged. Additionally, forecast Police Officer Overtime expenditure has reduced due to implementation of tighter controls together with reduced Supplies & Services costs relating to the Traffic Reporting Information System (TRIS).

18. Olympics Security – A nil variation.
Whilst an overall nil variance is reported, following restrictions on recruitment for 2010/11 introduced by the new Government, the forecast currently suggests an under-recovery of specific grant of £10m with matching underspends forecast subjectively. However, the recruitment freeze has now been lifted and Home Office have agreed a revised grant for 2010/11. Budgets will therefore be re-profiled to reflect the revised grant in Period 5.

19. Deputy Commissioner’s Portfolio – An underspend of £3m – 5.1% of budget.
The forecast underspend relates principally to Police Officer Pay (£1.8m) where posts have been identified for savings, and Police Staff Pay (£1m) where savings have arisen due to the actions of the recruitment Star Chamber.

20. There has been a favourable movement of £0.2m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2, principally relating to an increase in forecast income within Legal Services.

21. Directorate of Public Affairs – A minor variation.

22. There has been a minor favourable movement in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2.

23. Directorate of Information – An overspend of £4.6m - 2.1% of budget.
The forecast overspend is within the Supplies & Services category and relates principally to contract inflation being higher than that budgeted (4.2% applied against 2.5% budgeted) which has caused a cost pressure of £3m. In addition it is forecast that certain savings targets will not be achievable although the Directorate of Information is taking steps to manage this. Savings arising from the extension of the ICT contract have been included in the forecast.

24. There has been a favourable movement of £1m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2. This results principally from initiatives introduced by the Senior Management “Gold” Group to reduce the unachievable element of savings that had previously been forecast.

25. Resources Directorate – An underspend of £2m - 0.7% of budget.
The underspend is principally within Premises Costs where Property Services are committed to providing savings of £4m above those included in the original 2010/11 budget in line with Management Board requirements to deliver in year savings. Budgets will be adjusted to reflect these savings in Period 5. The underspend has been offset by increased Capital Financing costs resulting from borrowing undertaken earlier than originally anticipated.

26. There has been an adverse movement of £1.9m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2, resulting principally from the increase in the forecast for Capital Financing Costs. This is partly offset by an increase in the forecast for Loan Charges Grant which follows the need to use higher levels of capital receipts to finance the Capital Programme in 2010/11 than originally anticipated.

27. Human Resources – An underspend of £1.6m - 0.8% of budget.
The underspend relates principally to Police Officer Pay due to officer numbers being below target strength, as well as an underspend within Police Staff overtime as costs are being managed down as part of the savings required by MPS Management Board.

28. There has been an adverse movement of £1.4m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2 principally relating to a correction in the forecast income for Operation Reclaim (uninsured vehicles).

29. Metropolitan Police Authority – An underspend of £0.1m - 0.9% of budget.
A minor variation

30. There has been a minor favourable movement in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2.

31. Centrally Held Budgets – An overspend of £5.1m - 0.2% of budget.
The overspend results from the forecast reduction in grant of £28m. This is offset by the inclusion of £22.9m of forecast savings that are not yet shown within Business Groups, including the anticipated savings of £12.9m resulting from the recruitment freeze.

32. There has been an overall favourable movement of £11.1m in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2 reflecting the forecast savings resulting from the recruitment freeze (£12.9m) partially offset by a reduction in savings which are now being forecast within other Business Groups. Additionally a refund of £0.5m relating to the Traffic Reporting Information System (TRIS) is now included in the forecast.

Revenue Forecast by expenditure/income type

33. Table 4 compares the forecast outturn variances for Period 4 and Period 2 by expenditure/income type.

Table 4 - Comparison of forecast outturn variance by expenditure/income type

Income/Expense Type Period 4 Forecast Variance
Period 2 Forecast Variance
Change in variance
Police Officer Pay -13,145 405 -13,549
Police Staff Pay -6,420 -6,351 -69
PCSO Pay 1,517 -346 1,862
Traffic Wardens' Pay 920 919 1
Total Pay -17,128 -5,373 -11,755
Police Officer Overtime -1,303 896 -2,199
Police Staff Overtime -505 1,145 -1,650
PCSO Overtime -162 -53 -110
Traffic Wardens' Overtime -19 -9 -9
Total Overtime -1,989 1,978 -3,968
Total Pay & Overtime -19,117 -3,395 -15,723
Employee Related Expenditure -4,873 -5,868 995
Premises Costs -3,986 -4,037 51
Transport Costs -880 -2,244 1,364
Supplies & Services -327 -2,356 2,029
Capital Financing Costs 2,847 -53 2,900
Total Running Expenses -7,219 -14,558 7,339
Total Expenditure -26,337 -17,953 -8,384
Income - interest Receipts 0 0 0
Income - Other 8,746 2,781 5,965
Total Income 8,746 2,780 5,965
Discretionary Pension Costs 0 0 0
Net Expenditure -17,591 -15,173 -2,418
Specific Grants 37,747 19,763 17,984
Net Revenue Expenditure 20,155 4,591 15,565
Transfers to/from Earmarked Reserves 0 0 0
Transfers to/from General Reserves 0 0 0
Budget requirement 20,155 4,591 15,565
Financed by Police Grants/Precept 0 28,012 -28,012
Total MPS 20,155 32,602 -12,447

The main forecast variances from budget are set out below.

34. Police Officer Pay – an underspend of £13.1m – 0.7% of budget.
Following the decision to freeze Police Officer recruitment it is now anticipated that the year end target strength will be 32,156. As this decision was made after Business Groups had prepared the forecasts, the reduction in target strength resulting from the freeze on recruitment (777 officers) is being reported and forecast within Centrally Held. The overall reduction of 935 officers takes account of other target strength changes within Business Groups since preparation of the Business Plan but prior to the recruitment freeze. Human Resources are currently preparing revised target strengths for discussion with Business Groups and proposals will be submitted to Management Board shortly. Careful consideration will need to be given as to how the reduction in officer strength is managed so as to ensure that funding streams are not adversely affected. Budget changes to reflect the revised deployment plan will be carried out by Period 6. As indicated in Table 5, actual strength for 31 July shows a small understrength position which contributes to the forecast underspend position. This is supported by a reduction in the forecast cost for Special Priority Payments as required by Management Board as part of the £28m savings. Territorial Policing is still overstrength at the expense of the other Business Groups being understrength. Workforce Planning hold monthly meetings with all Business Groups (Strategic Planning Workforce Forum) to monitor strengths against target, and recruitment plans. Appendix 3 shows the variance in Police Officer numbers from the deployment plan by Business Group since Quarter 1 of 2009. This shows that Territorial Policing remains above the deployment plan whilst most other Business Groups are below the deployment plan targets.

35. There has been a favorable movement of £13.5m from the position reported at Period 2. This principally reflects the decision to freeze recruitment, the impact of which is being forecast within Centrally Held.

Table 5 – Police Officer Actual Strength v Target Strength

Business Group Target Strength at 31 July 2010 Actual Strength at 31 July 2010 Target Strength for 31 March 2011 as per Business Plan Forecast Target Strength as at 31 March 2011 Variance between target strength and forecast
Territorial Policing 21,143 21,634 21,156 21,444 288
IPLDP Students 360 371 264 264 0
Specialist Crime 3,875 3,656 3,861 3,762 -99
Specialist Operations 3,698 3,561 3,828 3,614 -214
Central Operations 2,739 2,679 2,740 2,706 -34
Olympics Security Directorate 175 163 196 230 34
Deputy Commissioner's Portfolio 395 366 397 371 -26
Directorate of Public Affairs 0 0 0 0 0
Directorate of Information 76 68 76 61 -15
Resources Directorate 6 6 6 5 -1
Human Resources 559 491 567 476 -91
Centrally Held 0 0 0 -777 -777
Total MPS 33,026 32,994 33,091 32,156 -935

36. Police Staff Pay - An underspend of £6.4m – 1% of budget.
The forecast underspend relates principally to the savings required by Management Board which are included within the Centrally Held forecast until the effects of the recruitment star chamber are recognised within Business Group forecasts.

37. There has been a minor favourable movement in the forecast position from that reported at Period 2.

38. PCSO Pay - An overspend of £1.5m - 1% of budget.
The forecast overspend relates to a minor overstrength position during the first few months of the year. This will be reversed in future periods and the Period 5 forecast will reflect this.

39. There has been an adverse movement of £1.8m since Period 2 relating to a reduction in budget for Transport for London funded activity where the reduction in expenditure had previously been forecast.

40. Traffic Warden Pay - An overspend of £0.9m – 11.6% of budget.
The forecast overspend relates to Traffic Warden numbers being above those budgeted for within the Safer Transport Command in Territorial Policing, although this is matched by increased income levels.

41. A minor change in the forecast position from that reported in Period 2.

42. Police Officer Overtime – An underspend of £1.3m – 1.2% of budget.
The forecast underspend is principally within Territorial Policing and Central Operations following action taken to deliver the savings required by MPS Management Board. These are partially offset by an overspend in Specialist Operations, which relates principally to additional protection duties required leading up to and following the General Election, as well as a number of high profile events requiring increased levels of protection.

43. There has been a favourable movement of £2.2m from the position reported in Period 2, principally within Territorial Policing and Specialist Crime, where action has been taken to reduce overtime spending in line with MPS Management Board directions.

44. Police Staff Overtime – An underspend of £0.5m – 1.7% of budget.
The forecast underspend is principally within Human Resources and relates to the management of overtime within Catering Services.

45. There has been a favourable movement of £1.6m from the position reported in Period 2. This is largely due to a reduction of forecast in Human Resources, where police staff overtime in Catering and Transport Services is being managed down. Other Business Groups have also reduced forecast expenditure following action to deliver the savings required by MPS Management Board.

46. PCSO and Traffic Warden Overtime – An underspend of £0.2m - 9.6% of budget.
A minor underspend.

47. There has been a favourable movement of £0.1m from the position reported in Period 2.

48. Employee Related Expenditure – An underspend of £4.9m – 13.4% of budget.
The forecast underspend relates principally to the Olympics Directorate where an under-recovery of specific grant has reduced forecast expenditure significantly in several areas. Revised specific grant levels have now been agreed with Home Office and budgets will be adjusted for future forecasts.

49. There has been an adverse movement of £1m from the position reported in Period 2. This is principally within Specialist Crime relating to the reallocation of surveillance training budgets to other categories of expenditure where the costs were forecast in Period 2.

50. Premises Costs – An underspend of £4m – 1.7% of budget.
The forecast underspend is principally within Property Services who are committed to providing savings through property reductions as required by Management Board as part of the in year savings proposals. Additionally, Territorial Policing have forecast an underspend relating to Safer Transport property costs with planned expenditure not taking place and this has been identified for savings.

51. There has been a minor adverse movement from the position reported in Period 2.

52. Transport Costs - An underspend of £0.9m – 1.3% of budget.
The forecast underspend relates principally to the Olympics Directorate where an under-recovery of specific grant has reduced forecast expenditure significantly in several areas. Revised specific grant levels have now been agreed with Home Office and budgets will be adjusted for future forecasts. The underspend is offset by an overspend forecast within Central Operations relating to the Air Support Unit, due to increased contract inflation for maintenance costs and increased fuel costs.

53. There has been an adverse movement of £1.4m in the forecast from the position reported at Period 2. This is principally within Specialist Operations due to timing differences between the reduction in Counter Terrorism budget to meet savings targets and the forecast of the savings (included in the Period 2 forecast), inspection visits planned for Counter Terrorism Liaison Officers stationed abroad which will result in additional travel and subsistence costs, and additional principals to protect following the establishment of the coalition Government. There has also been an adverse movement within Territorial Policing due to increased forecasts for fuel and vehicle hire following a review of actual expenditure to date.

54. Supplies and Services - An underspend of £0.3m - 0.1% of budget.
The forecast underspend relates principally to the savings required by Management Board, £1.7m of which are included within the Centrally Held forecast. The savings have been offset by additional costs within the Directorate of Information due to contract inflation being higher than that budgeted (4.2% applied against 2.5% budgeted) which has caused a cost pressure of £3m. In addition it is forecast that certain savings targets will not be achievable, although the Directorate of Information is taking steps to manage this.

55. There has been an adverse movement of £2m from the position reported in Period 2. This is principally within Specialist Crime Directorate due to increased operational activity within the Covert Finance Unit, payments to mobile data suppliers and a review of forensics costs. There have also been adverse movements in Specialist Operations following due to timing differences between the reduction in Counter Terrorism budget to meet savings targets and the forecast savings (included in the Period 2 forecast), within Royalty Protection, where costs increased by £0.6m due to overseas protection duties, and a £0.4m increase relating to the National Prison Intelligence Unit (both matched by additional income and budgets will be set to reflect this in Period 5).

56. Capital Financing Costs – an overspend of £2.8m - 12% of budget.
The forecast overspend relates to increased interest charges resulting from borrowing which was undertaken earlier than originally anticipated for cash flow purposes. This is partly offset by an increase in the forecast for Loan Charges Grant (see Specific Grant) which follows the use of higher levels of capital receipts to finance the Capital Programme in 2010/11 than originally anticipated, resulting in additional grant.

57. Interest Receipts – no variance to budget.

58. Other Income - forecast under-achievement of £8.7m – 2.8% of budget.
The forecast under-achievement is principally within Territorial Policing as partners react to fiscal constraints and reduce or end partnership funding and within Human Resources, following a reduction in funded secondments and lower than expected income from catering services. Some of the under-recovery of income is offset by additional receipts forecast for the Proceeds of Crime Act and the National Prisons Intelligence Unit.

59. There has been an adverse movement of £6m from the position reported in Period 2. This is largely due to adjustments in Territorial Policing where income has been reduced to match expected expenditure levels, particularly relating to a shortfall of income from Transport for London. In Human Resources the adverse movement relates to the reduction in funded secondments and lower than expected income from catering services.

60. Discretionary Pension Costs - a nil variation

61. Specific Grant – forecast under-achievement of £37.7m – 6.2% of budget.
The forecast under-recovery is principally within Centrally Held (£28m) relating to the savings proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the end of May. Additionally, there is a forecast under-recovery within the Olympics Security Directorate (£10m). The original budget figure for the Olympics was based on estimated expenditure but reviews have reduced forecast expenditure significantly in most areas with a corresponding requirement for less grant. A revised grant figure has now been agreed by the Home Office and budgets will be amended accordingly in Period 5. Budget changes to reflect the £5m reduction in Counter Terrorism Grant have been made within Specialist Operations. There has been an increase in the forecast for Loan Charges Grant which follows the use of higher levels of capital receipts to finance the Capital Programme in 2010/11 than originally anticipated, resulting in additional grant.

62. There has been an adverse movement of £18m from the position reported at Period 2. This relates principally to reporting the £28m reduction in grant advised by the Government within Specific Grant rather than against Police Grant as reported in Period 2. This is offset by increased grant forecasts for the Olympics and Loan Charges together with changes to Counter Terrorism grant budgets.

Budget movements

63. The MPA/MPS Business Plan was approved by MPA Strategy and Operational Policing Committee on 1 April 2010. Since that time budget amendments have been made for a number of reasons. Appendix 2 shows the subjective budget movements that have been required in the time between the original budget submission and the presentation of this report.

The major budget movements undertaken since Period 2 are shown below in Table 6.

Table 6 – Major budget movements actioned since Period 2

Description of Budget Move Amount £000
Within Specialist Operations, movement of budget from Police Officer Pay and Police Staff Pay lines to Employee Related Expenditure relating to ACPO TAM Police Officer and Staff secondments, to correct the original budget allocation 7,264
Reduction of income and expenditure budgets for 130 police officer posts allocated to Territorial Policing within the deployment plan under the cost sharing initiative, but which remain unfilled 6,690
Reduction in Counter Terrorism funding and expenditure budget following Home Office Grant notification 5,005
Allocation of budgets for Operation Reclaim (uninsured vehicles), within Human Resources 3,061
Reduction of income and expenditure budgets (PCSO Pay) within Territorial Policing, due to a reduction in income from Transport for London as a result of unfilled posts 2,500
Reduction in Deployment Plan for Seconded Officers within Human Resources Directorate 1,996
Realignment of Counter Terrorist funding within Specialist Crime, relating to Surveillance Training 1,333
Reduction of income and expenditure budgets within Specialist Crime, to reflect reduced Home Office funding relating to the E-crime Unit 1,192
Allocation of funding from the European Commission for Operation Golf (Romanian Organised Criminal Networks) 1,138
Reallocation of budget from Employee Expenditure to Supplies & Services within Human Resources Directorate relating to Transforming HR 600
Allocation of Counter Terrorism funding from Specialist Operations to Central Operations 500

64. In addition, the following budget virement (a permanent budget move between different categories of expenditure) has taken place which members are asked to approve:

  • Movement of £1,100k from Police Officer Pay to Police Staff Pay (£561k), Police Overtime (£300k), Supplies and Services (£166k) and other categories (£73k). This movement is from Territorial Policing to Specialist Crime and relates to the transfer of additional budget for Sapphire units and recognises that costs are being incurred in different areas than originally budgeted.

65 The following budget virements have been approved by MPS Management Board since Period 2 (permanent budget moves of less than £1m between different categories of expenditure).

  • Movement of £312k from Police Officer Pay (£252k) and Supplies and Services (£50k) to Police Staff Pay within Specialist Crime. This relates to the correction of initial budget allocations in SCD2 (Sapphire) to recognise where costs are being incurred
  • Movement of £166k from Supplies and Services to Police Officer Pay (£61k), Police Officer Overtime (£36k), Police Staff Pay (£31k) and Transport Costs (£38k). This relates to the realignment of budget transferred from Human Resources to Central Operations for dangerous dogs to recognise the subjective areas where costs are being incurred.
  • Movement of £296k from Supplies and Services to Police Staff Pay (£100k) and Employee Related Expenditure (£196k). This relates to realignment of budget for restructure training within Resources Directorate
  • Movement of £535k from Employee Related Expenditure to Supplies and Services within Human Resources. This relates to the correction of initial budget allocations to recognise where costs are being incurred
  • Movement of £235k from Supplies and Services (£163k), Police Pay (£67k), Employee Expenditure (£4k), Police Staff Overtime (£1k) to Police Staff Pay within Human Resources Directorate. This relates to realignment of budget for Staff Associations
  • Movement of £218k from Income (£163k), Supplies & Services (£50k), Transport (£4k) and Employee Expenditure (£1k) to Premises Costs. This relates to the correction of initial budget allocations within Property Services to recognise where costs are being incurred.

Movements in reserves

66. The reserve movements carried out between Period 2 and Period 4 are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 – Reserve movements carried out between Period 2 and 4.

Reserve description Amount £000
Drawdown of Operational Costs Reserve for Operation Blunt (Knife Crime) within Territorial Policing 1,000
Transfer to Reserves to increase the Motor Insurance Reserve 300
Drawdown from SIP Reserve for Technical Surveillance Unit within SCD 9

Capital monitoring

67. The first review of the capital programme for 2010/11 has been undertaken and it has been verified that provisioning departments have the capacity to deliver all listed schemes. However, the Government has made clear its requirement that a significant reduction in public expenditure is achieved. Notification has been received of cuts in police revenue and capital grants for 2010/11. An internal review exercise has been undertaken examining areas where savings through efficiencies or reductions in service can be made. The Directorate of Information has indicated that insufficient revenue funds exist to support the implementation and in-service costs of all the capital technology schemes listed within the capital programme 2010/11. There is also a level of over-programming, which though considered manageable will need to be kept under close review by Management Board to ensure proper consideration is given to Service priorities in managing the overall programme within the available resources.

68. At the meeting of the Finance & Resources Committee on 15 July 2010 the first review of the capital programme for 2010/11 was considered and a revised budget of £276.3m was approved. This represented an increase of £12.8m in expenditure on the original budget of £263.5m. However, because of additional funded projects within the programme, the over-programming sum of £42.3m was reduced to £33.2m.

69. Appendix 4 sets out the expenditure for the 2010/11 Capital Programme as at the end of Period 4 (July) by provisioning department, together with the overall sources of funding. Year to date expenditure is £43.2m, representing 15.6% of the revised annual approved budget (excluding over-programming) of £276.3m. On current estimates the forecast spend for the year is £307.5m. This is £2.1m below the revised annual programme of £309.6m but £31.2m above the revised budget of £276.3m. However, forecast over-programming has reduced overall by £4.1m, moving in the right direction to ensure that capital spending is contained within the revised funding limits. Discussions with Business Groups indicate that the forecast spend figure will be expected to fall during the course of the financial year such that actual expenditure is contained within the available funding total.

70. Property Programme – An underspend of £1.5m - 1.6% of revised annual budget.

The main reason for the forecast underspend is due to various delays in detailing projects specifications and in lease negotiations. However the majority of these issues are expected to be resolved shortly leading only to minor delays in projects.

71. Information Programme – An overall underspend of £0.6m - 0.4% of revised annual budget.

DoI is currently undertaking a detailed review of the forecast for their projects. Important in this is verifying that suitable revenue funds are available to support implementation and ongoing costs once projects reach fruition. The Events Management Futures Project has increased in scope by £2malthough this will require approval of a revised business case. Increased costs have been recorded in respect of ACPO (TAM) funded projects which are matched by additional funding. These increases are offset by reductions across a range of schemes. It is expected that Technology based schemes funded from general capital funding sources will show a significant underspend at year end. This will assist in reducing the present over-programming sum.

72. Transport Projects – Nil Variance

73. Other Plant & Equipment Expenditure – Nil Variance

74. Language Programme − Nil variance
As previously advised, delays in the tendering process for the procurement of language services were experienced in 2009/10. This meant that contracts were not awarded in 2009/10 and associated work is not scheduled to start until this financial year. This programme has ring-fenced funding from the Service Improvement Plan fund.

75. Safer Neighbourhoods Programme – Nil variance
The Directorate of Information element of the Safer Neighbourhoods Programme is reporting no expenditure so far this year. The current forecast is, however, in line with budget. The programme is dependent on sourcing suitable accommodation, which will impact on DoI’s ability to fit out new locations.

76. Olympics/Paralympics – Nil variance
The Olympics/Paralympics Programme is funded by specific grant and each project is subject to Home Office approval following the submission of individual business cases.

C. Other organisational & community implications

Equality and Diversity Impact

1. Equality Impact Assessments are completed on business group activities undertaken where there is deemed to be an impact. The equality and diversity implications are identified in business cases and reports on individual proposals through our normal decision making process.

Consideration of MET Forward

2. Met Forward recognises that the MPS has to make challenging financial decisions whilst minimising the impact on front line policing. This report outlines the current financial position against the budget approved by the Authority (Policing London Business Plan, 2010-13) and as subsequently reduced to reflect the withdrawal of Government grant.

Financial implications

3. The financial implications are those set out in this report.

Legal implications

4. There are none specific to this report.

Environmental implications

5. There are none specific to this report.

Risk Implications

6. Risk management is integrated into the Service’s budget, business planning and performance management processes. Business Groups and Management Board monitor risks on a regular basis. This report sets out the financial risks and pressures currently being managed by the Service.

D. Background papers

  • Policing London 2010-13 Business Plan

E. Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Rogers, Director of Finance Services. MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


1. = of net expenditure budget. [Back]

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