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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 8 March 2001 at Harvey Goodwin Room, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1.


  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)
  • Peter Herbert (Deputy Chair)


Jennette Arnold, Anthony Arbour, Reshard Auladin, John Biggs, Cindy Butts, Roger Evans, Lynne Featherstone, Nicky Gavron, Elizabeth Howlett, Jenny Jones, Nicholas Long, Cecile Lothian, R David Muir, Sir John Quinton, Angela Slaven, Richard Sumray, Graham Tope, Abdal Ullah and Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff:

Catherine Crawford (Clerk), Peter Martin (Treasurer) and Nick Baker (Secretariat)

MPS staff:

Sir John Stevens (Commissioner), Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner) and Keith Luck (Director of Resources)

In addition approximately 70 members of the press/public and other MPA/MPS staff were present.

Part 1

110. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Darren Johnson.

111. Minutes: 8 February 2001

(Agenda item 2)

the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 8 February 2001 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

112. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 3)

The Authority received the approved minutes (previously circulated) of the following committee meetings:

the minutes be received.

113. Commissioner's update

(Agenda item 4)

The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Sir John Stevens, gave the Authority an update on the following developments and current issue:

Operation Trident

The Commissioner updated the Authority on Operation Trident and informed Members that following the success this operation other police forces, world wide, were using this it as a prototype.

Operation Strongbox

The Commissioner updated Members on Operation Strongbox, which was continuing to be successful. The Commissioner undertook to provide further information on this scheme, particularly on displacement and on the longer-term impact on crime reduction in the areas involved in the operation following its completion.

Other issues

The Commissioner informed the Authority of the input and role of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) following the recent train crash at Selby, North Yorkshire. Arising from the discussion the Authority praised the work of the officers and staff involved in this operation and a suggestion was made that other police forces be encouraged to make greater use of electronic communication between forces during such operations.

The Commissioner reminded Members of current terrorist campaign and the appeals for information following incident at the BBC. Members congratulated all officers involved in this incident. The Clerk and the Commissioner undertook to review the need for greater security at MPA meetings.

Members were given details on the current MPS campaign against hate crime. The Commissioner undertook to look at a recent similar scheme undertaken in Southwark and the apparent lack of police involvement.

The Commissioner concluded his report by informing Members of the effect on policing, particularly the Mounted Branch and Dogs Support Unit, following the outbreak of the foot and mouth virus.


  1. the Commissioner's update be noted; and
  2. further information on Operation Strongbox, particularly on issues of displacement and the longer-term impact on crime reduction areas following the completion of operation be presented to a future meeting of the Authority.

114. Recruitment and retention

(Agenda item 5)

The Committee received a report that informed Members of the number of police and civil staff with the MPS between April 2000 and January 2001.

The report gave details of the number of recruited officers, including the number of those which where ethnic minorities and women, together with the number of resignations during this period. The Commissioner reported that during January 2001 and following recent national and MPS advertising campaigns there had been a high level of applications received.

Civil staff numbers for the same period, which were 1,280 civil staff leaving and 859 recruited.

The Commissioner concluded his report by updating Members on recruitment and retention during February 2001. Members requested that future reports on this issue include a break down of wastage numbers and a synopsis of exit interviews.

As part of the discussion on retention, Members commissioned a report on the work of the Special Constabulary.

Members also commissioned a report on ways of encouraging officers with 30 years of service to continue to remain in service including options such as part time/flexible working. Members supported the Commissioner's request that to assist debate on this issue, arrangements should be made to hold discussions with the Home Office about possible regulatory changes that would help encourage officers to remain in service.


  1. the report be received and that future report on this issue include details of wastage figures and a synopsis of exit interviews;
  2. a report on the special constabulary be presented to a future meeting of the Authority; and
  3. a report on the scope for retaining officers with 30 years service be presented to a future meeting of the Authority.

115. 2001/02 approved budget

(Agenda item 6)

The Authority received a report that presented the final outcome of the budget process for 2001/02 and which considered a recommendation by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee to agree final amendments to balance the budget.

In considering the budget reductions, Members agreed that:

  • at this stage, the savings on warrants execution and reduced employer's national insurance contributions should not be accepted as contributions to the efficiency savings target. The position should be reviewed at some stage in the year to consider whether these savings should be used for this or other purposes;
  • the reduced base provision for civil staff pay should not be agreed at this stage.

It was also agreed that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee be asked to consider:

  • a comprehensive report on the mechanism for a rolling review of efficiency savings in all service areas;
  • appropriate control mechanisms for virements.

It was also noted that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee had agreed to review the budget process in the light of the experience gained this year.

that the Authority agree to the final amendments to balance the budget as set out in paragraph 10 of Appendix 1 to the report, subject to amendments referred to above.

116. Best Value Review of Consultation

(Agenda item 7)

The Authority received a report inviting Members formally to sign off the Best Value Review of Consultation.

Members were informed that the next step would be to plan implementation. This would include a programme of consultation with other interested parties such as local authorities, borough commanders and consultative groups and that the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee would continue to monitor the review, including the developing of a consultation strategy.


  1. the Best Value Review of Consultation be formally received;
  2. the process for implementation in the light of the revised recommendations proposed at the workshop be noted; and
  3. the process be overseen by the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee.

117. Provision of south east London services and accommodation under a Private Finance initiative

(Agenda item 8)

Graham Tope declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item.

Following consideration by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee, the Authority considered a report that recommended the award of a contract for the provision of new operational buildings and associated services in south-east London.


  1. that subject to the cost increase being no greater than indicated and an audit opinion that the underlying assets will not appear on the MPA balance sheet, the Authority agreed:
  2. to award a contract for the design, build, finance and operation of the South East London PFI project to a single purpose company (Support Services South East London Ltd) ultimately wholly owned by Equion plc (formerly known as Laing Hyder plc) based on the offer dated 8 February 2001;
  3. to note the proposal that capital receipts from the sale of buildings should be retained for general funding of the capital programme and not for the South East London PFI Scheme;
  4. to sanction an increase in budget provision of up to £9.66 million per annum dependent on the availability if PFI credits;
  5. to authorise the granting of 125 year leases for the sites owned by the MPA at Bromley, Lewisham, Sutton and Deptford (as part of the South East London PFI Project) to a single purpose company (Support Services South East London Limited) ultimately wholly owned by Equion plc (formerly known as Laing Hyder plc);
  6. to agree to the MPA entering into a Funders' Direct Agreement with the financiers (Dresdner Bank) providing the finance for the design and construction of the South East London PFI Project;
  7. to agree to the MPA entering into a Certificate in favour of the Project Company under the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997 pursuant to which the Authority confirms that the transaction effected by the Contract and the Lenders' Direct Agreement is within the Authority's powers;
  8. to note that the documentation referred to above, and such other documentation as the Authority may need to enter into in connection with the said transaction, be in such form as may be approved by the Commissioner or an appropriate officer on behalf of the Authority, including provisions as to assignment and corrupt practices which whilst not consistent with Regulation 11 and 14 of the Authority's Contract Regulations, are generally consistent with the Treasury Taskforce Guidance relating to PFI projects; and
  9. to note the estimate of pensions contributions of between £0.7 million to £2.0 million and potential liability in respect of redundancies;
  10. to note:

MPA costs are subject to:

  • adjustments in respect of costs incurred in obtaining the necessary easements, party wall awards, access rights from adjoining landowners and statutory undertakers, movement of services (gas, water, electricity, sewerage), section 106 agreement at Lewisham (£303,000);
  • direct costs relating to rates, energy and communications;
  • monthly contract payments commence in 2003/4 (planned acceptance date) and continue for 25 years after which the current contract expires.

Contract payments are subject to adjustment in respect of:

  • market interest rates prevailing at Financial Close;
  • benchmarking and market testing of facility management services (eg: cleaning, catering);
  • adjustments in respect of poor performance or unavailability;
  • inflation (RPI) adjustment to half of Annual Unitary Charge and a fixed escalator of 2½ per cent on the balance.

118. Treasury Management Strategy 2001/02

(Agenda item 9)

Following consideration by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee at their meeting held on 20 February 2001, the Authority received a report which set out a Treasury Management Strategy recommended for 2001/02 together with the proposed borrowing limits.

that the Authority adopts the borrowing limits as set out in paragraph 21 of Appendix 1 to the report.

119. Policing and Performance Plan 2001/02

(Agenda item 10)

A report was considered by Members that sought approval to the draft Best Value Policing and Performance Plan. The report also sought Members' approval to agree that responsibility for signing off the final version of the plan be delegated to the Oversight Panel, as the statutory publication date of 31 March 2001 is before the next full Authority meeting.

There was discussion on the difficulties of setting targets for 'iceberg crimes' such as domestic violence. It was agreed that this was an issues that the MPA would need to return to in the future.


  1. the draft summary and objectives, performance indicators and targets recommended by the Commissioner are approved: and
  2. that Members agree to delegate to the Oversight Panel final approval of the plan and full annexes.

120. MPS Performance Report – December 2000

(Agenda item 11)

Members received a report providing an overview of MPS performance, and a full listing of Policing Plan and Best Value indicators up until and including December 2000.

that the report be noted.

121. Best Value

(Agenda item 12)

The Authority considered a report that sought Members' views on the GLA proposals to distribute the statutory summary of the policing plan and best value plan with a GLA newsletter. The report also sought approval to the programme of best value reviews for 2001/02 to 2004/05.

Arising from the discussion relating to the distribution of the statutory summary of the policing plan and best value plan with a GLA newsletter, Members stressed the importance of MPA editorial control of issues relating to policing matters.


  1. Members support the continued production of a joint summary of the policing plan/best value performance plan with GLA partners; and
  2. the joint summary should be distributed as part of a GLA-family newsletter.

122. Members' allowances scheme

(Agenda item 13)

The Authority were informed that a request had been made to the Home Secretary and the Home Office to waive the current ceiling on allowances paid to independent and magistrate Members of the Authority.

Following a positive response from the Home Office, the Authority now considered a report that recommended an increase in the current financial year to £10,000 and for the financial year 2001/02 to £15,000 and to increase the ceiling for the Chair of the Authority to £22,500. It was noted that these increases should be seen as an interim arrangement to address immediate issues. Members would revisit this issue as and when members' allowances were deregulated at a future date.


  1. the ceiling for Members' Allowances in the current financial year be increased from £7,500 to £10,000;
  2. the ceiling for Members' Allowances in the financial year 2001/02 be increased to £15,000 and the ceiling for the Chair of the Authority be increased to £22,500.

123. Calendar of meetings 2001/02

(Agenda item 14)

Members considered a report that proposed a calendar of meetings for the Authority and its committees for the year to June 2002 and proposed that each committee be invited to consider individual arrangements.

that the calendar of meetings be approved and that each committee be invited to consider individual arrangements.

124. Publicity material

(Agenda item 15)

The Authority considered a report that sought Members approval on new material promoting the MPA and in particular the work of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach.


  1. Members approved the design but asked for further thought to be given to the content, particularly with regard to the role of link members; and
  2. Members approved the style and design of the newsletter, subject to amendments.

125. Seminar on Race Hate Crimes

(Agenda 16)

The Authority considered a report on the seminar on race hate crime recently attended by Peter Herbert, Deputy Chair of the MPA

that the report on this seminar be referred to the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and that the Committee be asked to consider how the MPA and MPS might respond to the issues raised at the seminar.

126. Exclusion of press and public

that under section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for item 16 and 17 and the supplementary exempt item, on the grounds that it involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in the paragraphs 8 and 9 of Schedule 12A of the above Act.

Summary of exempt items

Provision of south east London services and accommodation under a Private Finance initiative

Considered arrangements for this PFI.

Review of public order policing

The Authority received a report that gave details on forthcoming arrangements for policing of several major public events in London.

Provision of firearms and public order training facility under a private finance initiative

The Authority agreed to receive a supplementary report on the provision of firearms and public order training facility under a private finance initiative, as if approved; the contract for this initiative is required to be signed by 9 March 2001.

The meeting closed at 1.45pm.

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