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Report 6b of the 28 Feb 02 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses the timetable for the preparation of the 2003/04 Policing Plan.

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Policing and performance plan 2003/04: preparation of timetable

Report: 06b
Date: 28 February 2002
By: Commissioner


The paper identifies work in hand to prepare a timetable for the preparation of the 2003/04 Policing Plan, with the intention of bringing this to the Full Authority in May.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members are asked to note the report and agree that a report on proposals for the preparation of the 2003/04 plan be submitted to the Authority at its May meeting.

B. Supporting information

1. At the January meeting of the Full Authority, Members expressed concern over the time available for consideration and consultation of this year's Policing Plan. It was agreed that the Full Authority would receive a report at an early stage on the timetable for consultation, preparation and production of the Plan for 2003/04.

2. This year, the MPS has already made considerable progress in improving the planning process. In particular, there are fewer, more focused priorities, a bottom up approach to planning has been undertaken, and bespoke targets for Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs) have been established. Further work will be necessary, however, to achieve the important goal of aligning the planning process with that of budget setting.

3. The MPS has already begun a review of the 2002/03 planning process with a view to identifying further improvements that can be incorporated into the process for the coming year. It is intended to complete this process by holding focus group discussions with managers across the MPS, in particular with BOCU commanders who have undertaken a bottom up bespoke target setting process for the first time; and also with officers and Members of the MPA, using as a forum the Planning Panel, prior to bringing proposals to the Full Authority.

4. Issues that will be addressed include the need to ensure sufficient and timely consultation about possible priorities and objectives, the need to align better the operational planning process with that of budget planning, and the need to ensure that particular stages are undertaken at appropriate times in the planning cycle.

5. Given that we are still finalising this year's plan, and that views still need to be sought, both from within the MPS and of the Planning Panel, it is proposed that a report containing proposals for 2003/04 be considered by the Full Authority at its May meeting.

C. Financial implications

None at this stage.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report authors: John Zlotnicki, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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