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Report 10 of the 26 Feb 04 meeting of the MPA Committee and sets out the final draft of the MPA’s self-assessment document which has been prepared as part of the Audit Commission’s Initial Performance Assessment.

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Initial performance assessment of the MPA

Report: 10
Date: 26 February 2004
By: Clerk


This report sets out the final draft of the MPA’s self-assessment document which has been prepared as part of the Audit Commission’s Initial Performance Assessment.

A. Recommendation

That the Authority approves the self assessment document for publication.

B. Supporting information

Initial Performance Assessment

1. On 15 December 2003 Co-ordination and Policing Committee received a report outlining the process and timescale for the Audit Commission’s Initial Performance Assessment of the GLA Group. At that meeting, members also received a copy of the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) document as an appendix, setting out the questions the Audit Commission intend to cover during their inspection. As the first step in the IPA process the MPA must publish a self- assessment document which is structured to reflect and respond to the KLOE by 5 March 2004. The final version of the self assessment document is attached at Appendix 1. This report has been submitted to the full Authority for approval rather than Co-ordination and Policing Committee to secure the greatest level of ownership possible within the MPA, as required by the Audit Commission.

2. The Audit Commission will use the self-assessment during their on-site inspection which will take place over a two week period beginning on 10 May 2004. The Audit Commission will publish a final judgement, scoring the performance of the MPA and commenting on the GLA group as a whole, in November 2004.

Peer challenge

3. As part of self-assessment the MPA was required to involve peers in a challenge process. The Improvement and Development Agency carried out the peer challenge over three days in early January. As well as the I&DeA, the peer challenge team consisted of Marie Dickie, Chair, Northamptonshire Police Authority, Lesley Bessant, Assistant Chief Executive, Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council and John Smith, Assistant Clerk, West Midlands Police Authority.

4. Initial feedback from the peer challenge team was very positive. The team recognised the MPA’s achievements over the last three years, particularly around finance, performance management and scrutiny, with both members and officers described as enthusiastic and committed. Some areas for improvement were identified, notably around the need to set clear targets for the MPA itself, in the form of a corporate strategy and improvement plan. The team also suggested that the authority needed to concentrate its limited capacity on priority areas as well as improving training, development and information sharing across the organisation. The final feedback report is expected shortly and will be circulated to members. The Audit Commission will draw heavily on the peer challenge report when planning their inspection.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The self assessment process requires the MPA to consider its performance on equality and diversity issues and the self assessment document covers these areas in some detail.

D. Financial implications

The cost of the peer challenge process was £5000 plus VAT. The Audit Commission will meet this cost.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Sally Palmer, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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