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Report 6a of the 26 June 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee the MPS welcomes the publication of the MPA Youth Scrutiny and the findings contained in the report.

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MPS initial response to the MPA youth scrutiny

Report: 6a
Date: 26 June 2008
By: the DAC Rose Fitzpatrick on behalf of the Commissioner


The MPS welcomes the publication of the MPA Youth Scrutiny and the findings of an innovative approach to speaking directly with a wide range of young people across London about their experiences of safety and policing in London.

The MPS particularly values the strong endorsement given within the Scrutiny to the implementation of the MPS Youth Strategy, and the acknowledgement that the strategy is wide ranging and positive, and can potentially impact on the lives of young people and their relationship with the MPS.

In announcing the MPS Youth Strategy last October the MPS gave an undertaking that it would be refreshed later this year and updated annually. The MPS will use the findings of the MPA Youth Scrutiny as part of this process.

A. Recommendation


1. members notes the support of the MPS to the MPA Youth Scrutiny;

2. the Authority continues to work with the MPS to develop the findings and recommendations of the MPA Youth Scrutiny;

3. the Authority continues to work with the MPS in using the findings of the MPA Youth Scrutiny to inform the review of the MPS Youth Strategy in the Autumn of 2008.

4. members notes that the MPS is currently preparing a full response to all the recommendations contained within the Scrutiny.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS took a full and active part in working with the MPA on the Youth Scrutiny and were particularly pleased to be involved and consulted at every stage of the process. This consultation and engagement began at the very outset with discussions to agree the terms of reference and continued through some of the engagement and consultation evenings that took place across London.

2. The MPS believes that the approach taken by the MPA Youth Scrutiny Group was both innovative and refreshing. There was continued consultation and engagement with the Youth Reference Panel throughout the 6-month period as well as the adult consultation and community groups. The direct involvement of some experienced and professional advisors is also noteworthy.

3. The endorsement of the MPS Youth Strategy is very encouraging and the MPS looks forward to developing some of the findings of the MPA scrutiny report as part of the continued development of the Youth Strategy. We acknowledge that lessons learned by such a wide-ranging scrutiny should be considered and implemented sooner rather than later.

4. The MPS also notes the continued and very positive support for the Safer Neighbourhoods Programme and acknowledgement of the work being done in such areas as youth panels and schools. Again, the recommendations that refer to these areas of business are helpful and constructive. We recognise that the Safer Neighbourhoods Programme is a key opportunity in developing true engagement activities with young people, which in turn should lead to improved confidence with this age group. The development of this strand of work is vital in continuing to reduce the numbers of youths who are either victims of crime or offenders.

5. Whilst the MPS is supportive of all the recommendations which refer directly to policing services, we also note the opportunity and position that we have in encouraging other partners to consider the recommendations made for them. For example, the police are key partners in Local Strategic Partnerships, Crime and Disorder Partnerships and Local Criminal Justice Boards and thus we do not underestimate our position to influence in this regard.

C. Race and equality impact

The recommendations of the MPA Youth Scrutiny in relation to policing services and operational delivery and the impact these will have on the MPS Youth Strategy will now be considered again in a refreshed Equalities Impact Assessment.

D. Financial implications

The financial implications of developing the work recommended within the MPA Youth Scrutiny have not yet been fully considered in respect to all the areas of development and will have to be considered as part of the normal business and budget planning process.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Chief Superintendent Steve Bloomfield, MPS

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