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Reports from committees

Report: 10
Date: 25 March 2010
By: Chief Executive

At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Strategic and Operational Policing - 4 March 2010
  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee - 11 March 2010

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee - 4 March 2010

Members Present: Reshard Auladin (Chair), Jennette Arnold, Tony Arbour, Jenny Jones, Joanne McCartney, Caroline Pidgeon, Valerie Brasse.

  • The MPS Director of HR, Martin Tiplady delivered a short urgent item on the strikes that were held over March 8 and 9 2010. He outlined the reasons why the strike was taking place and the Mets contingency plans for lack of staff.
  • Members received the Headline Performance report, that discussed confidence in Policing, saying that it is up by 3.7%. Serious violent crime has been reduced by 1.1% and serious acquisitive crime is exceeding its targeted 2% reduction rate.
  • The MPS Drug Strategy deliberately centred on public confidence, with the regular focus on import of the most harmful drugs but on top of this grass roots problems were to be dealt with such as drug sales on the streets and crack houses.
  • The Rape Transferral Report which discussed the relatively new SCD2 team taking on rape cases and how it had progressed. The paper was described as an ‘update’ paper, and had been written 6 month since the inception of the scheme. There had been a sharp increase in these kind of crimes (29% was noted) and it was discussed why this was, several results being noted such as increased reporting rates. Notable successes of the group were informed such as the arrest of an individual with 42 minor sexual offenses. Also there is a better partnership with the Havens now and a better community engagement strategy.
  • The Policing Pledge update was received and noted that the Prime Minister’s comment on PCSOs spending 80% of their time on the beat but that also included meetings with the public. There are no plans to change the 3 PCSO structure. There was an endeavour to keep the website updated as it is a big public source of information particularly regarding Safer Neighbourhood Teams.
  • Members considered an interim report on the satisfaction gap between White and BME victims of crime. Sustentative work needed to be done with CJUs on the pledge. It was noted that the MPS should better know who they were surveying and shouldn’t survey victims of the most serious crimes to avoid trauma. This was described as comprehensive, well received but not improving.
  • Thematic Performance Update report from TP (CCC) was received by members. CCC was reaching the targets set out for it. A satisfaction survey was done on the public and also 12 disgruntled members of the public were brought in to talk over their negative experiences. In budget there was a £1.3 million under spend and a forecasted £4.5 million. A new equality and diversity strategy released, also new industry standard software has been added and is being used to forecast when there will be a big rush of callers. CCC overtime budget significantly, as the CCC can’t operate like other communications giants that can give staff their rotas 2 weeks in advance for example.

Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 11 March 2010

Members Present: Cindy Butts (Chair), Reshard Auladin, Victoria Borwick, Valerie Brasse, Kirsten Hearn and Clive Lawton.

MPS Recruitment Targets

The committee received a report on the prospective MPS Recruitment Targets for five years starting from April 2010. The report included targets for black and minority ethnic (BME) communities and gender for key MPS workforce Groups including Special constables and Police Officers. The report included anticipated outcomes for 2009/10.

A report on the special constabulary that will consider the issues in greater depth will be received by the Committee in May 2010.

Draft MPA and MPS Community Engagement Commitment 2010-2013.

Member’s received a report that outlining the process used to develop the new MPA and MPS Community Engagement Commitment 2010-2013 and a draft of the new strategy for consideration. There was considerable discussion about the community engagement approach to be adopted over the next three years, particularly with a view to avoiding duplication and delivering value for money.

Members decided a discussion was needed outside the meeting to consider these issues in greater depth.

Satisfaction Gap between white and BME victims of crime

The report updated the committee on information regarding the satisfaction gap between white, black and minority ethnic (BME) victims of crime and also detailed the work currently being undertaken by the MPS to reduce the satisfaction gap.

There was some discussion about this report going to both this and the Strategic and Operational Policing committee, but members agreed that this was acceptable given that each committee approached the subject matter from a different point of interest.

Implementation of the MPS Policing Pledge.

The report summarised the work being undertaken in the MPS to deliver the policing pledge to the London public, the report examines each element of the MPS Policing Ledge and describes the activity that is being undertaken to deliver the services described and current performance.

Home Office Borough Command Unit Fund – Mid Year report 2009/10.

Members were provided with an overview of the financial and operational performance of the MPS Boroughs in respect of the BCU Fund for 2009/10. The report also considered the arrangements for 2010/11 and the potential to use this process to identify and disseminate information on areas of good practice.

Review of MPS Implantation of Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007.

The report summarised the implementations and effects of the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 since its enactment on 25 November 2008 and the work currently being undertaken to comply with this law. Concerns were raised about the lack of data relating to the faith of victims and members were advised that this is an issue that has been identified and will be addressed through training.

Reports from the Sub-committee and updates on domestic and Sexual Violence Board and Hate crime Forum.

Members of the committee were provided with reports that detailed the key items considered at each of the Sub-Committee and related boards.

Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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