Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Resources and Productivity Sub-committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 1 March 2010 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Faith Boardman (Chairman)
  • Valerie Brasse
  • Graham Speed (Vice Chairman)

MPA officers

  • Annabel Adams (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Julie Norgrove (Director of Audit, Risk and Assurance)
  • John Crompton (Treasury Team)

MPS officers

  • Jane Bond (Director of Property Services)
  • Paul Daly (Director of Exchequer Services)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Nick Rogers (Director, Group Finance)
  • David Rowell (Director of Category Management, Procurement Services)
  • Phil Smith (Director of Resilience, Compliance and Operational Support)
  • Peter Spindler (Commander SCD)
  • David Taylor (Deputy Director Asset Management, Property Services)
  • John Whitaker (Director of Logistical Services)
  • Paul Wiltshire (Head of Travel Services)

Also in attendance: Mark Horsfield, Arlingclose

94. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of John Biggs.

95. Declaration of interests

(Agenda item 2)

Graham Speed asked that it be noted that his previous employer had been involved in the property transaction referred to in agenda items 7 and 10.

96. Minutes of the meetings held on 14 January and 1 February 2010

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved - That the minutes of the Resources Sub-Committee held on 14 January and 1 February 2010 be agreed and signed as a correct record

97. Treasury Management strategy statement and investment strategy 2010/11

(Agenda item 4)

A report was submitted which set out the Treasury Management Strategy Statement recommended for 2010/11

Mark Horsfield from Arlingclose attended for consideration of this item and answered member’s questions. Mr Horsfield explained that the counterparty list (Appendix 3 to the report) had been drawn up with reference to the credit ratings and other information relating both to the institution and to the sovereign state in which it is based. The institutions appearing on the list are kept under continual review and if necessary an institution would be temporarily suspended from it. However, once the list has been approved no new names would be added without Committee approval. It was noted that Arlingclose advised a considerable number of local authorities and a similar approach to the strategy being recommended was being adopted by over 50 local authorities.

In reply to a question the Director of Exchequer Services advised that the “no limit” arrangement with RBS included in appendix 3 was essentially for overnight use and was not frequently used and agreed to circulate a note of the number of times it had been used recently. It was agreed that as and when this facility was used in the future, details would be provided in the relevant Treasury Management quarterly update report.

In summing up the discussion the Chair said that the Members considered that the approach being recommended appeared to provide an opportunity to obtain an increase in yield, which they had requested whilst being consistent with security and liquidity objectives and should be recommended to the Finance and Resources Committee

Resolved - That the Finance and Resources Committee be advised that the recommendations should be supported.

98. Update on early payment initiatives to Small and Medium Enterprises

(Agenda item 5)

This report updates members of the status of the previously approved actions in support of the Mayor’s Early Payment to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Initiative and the current payment profile for such suppliers.

The Director of Exchequer Services provided an update by reporting that the position appeared to have recovered from that reported in paragraph 6 as the position in February was that 78% of invoices had been paid on time.

Resolved - That the actions taken to date to improve the time to make payment on undisputed invoices to SMEs with the ultimate aim being payment within 10 working days of the receipt of a valid invoice and the current payment profile for SMEs be noted.

99. Overtime report 2009/10 – quarter 3

(Agenda item 6)

This report provided analysis on the year to date and forecast position for overtime earned by police officers, police staff and Police Community Support officers as at quarter 3 (December 2009).

Members indicated that they would like future reports to include additional analysis and it was agreed that officers would discuss the future format of the report to ensure that it included relevant trend analysis.

Members also indicated that there were areas which they wished to explore further in future monitoring reports, for example, the relationship between the different types of shift pattern and overtime worked. Members, however, recognised the need to use existing MPS systems and products in producing future reports.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

100. Request for authority to acquire a freehold building in Richmond

(Agenda item 7)

This report sought authority to acquire the freehold of a building in Richmond for use as a multi purpose training facility.

Graham Speed asked that it be noted that his previous employer had been involved in the property transaction referred to in the report.

Resolved - That the report be noted and forwarded to the Finance and Resources Committee for decision.

101. Policy on authorising air travel

(Agenda item 8)

This report set out the current MPS policy on authorisation of travel by air and the scrutiny applied before authority is granted. This included the need to travel, the potential costs and a risk assessment. Details of expenditure over the last three years broken down into the class of travel were provided.

Members asked for information on the number of trips to be shown in any future reports on the subject.

In reply to a question the Director of Logistical Services advised that the budget for air travel in the current year was £5.5M. The budget for 2010/11 was subject to the approval of the 2010-13 Policing Plan by the Authority.

102. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 9)

Resolved - That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.

Summary of decisions made on exempt items

103. Exempt appendix to request for authority to acquire a freehold building in Richmond

(Agenda item 10)

Report referred to the Finance and Resources Committee

104. Exempt appendices to overtime report

(Agenda item 11)

Information noted.

105. Capital Programme – Quarterly Monitoring Report 2009/10 –Quarter 3

(Agenda item 12)

Information noted.

106. Procurement Strategy – action plan

(Agenda item 13)

Quarterly progress report noted.

107. Energy Service Improvement Plan – collaborative procurement of gas, oil and electricity

(Agenda item 14)

Report referred to the Finance and Resources Committee

108. Palace of Westminster – Renewal of Section 25 Special Services agreement

(Agenda item 15)

Report referred to the Finance and Resources Committee

109. Exempt minutes of the meetings held on 14 January and 1 February 2010

(Agenda item 16)

Agreed and signed

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