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Report 6 of the 27 Mar 03 meeting of the Audit Panel and summarises the findings of the District Audit Corporate Governance reviews.

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District Audit Corporate Governance Report

Report: 6
Date: 27 March 2003
By: District Audit


The attached report summarises the findings of the District Audit Corporate Governance reviews. Where relevant, recommendations for action have been made and these are detailed in the attached action plan (Appendix 1).

A. Recommendations

To note this report

B. Supporting information

The Audit Commission’s Code of Audit Practice requires us to review and, where appropriate, report on the Authority’s corporate governance arrangements. It is the responsibility of the Authority to put in place proper arrangements to ensure the proper conduct of its financial affairs and to monitor their adequacy and effectiveness in practice. We have a responsibility to review and, where appropriate, report on the financial aspects of the Authority’s corporate governance arrangements, as they relate to:

  • systems of internal financial control;
  • standards of financial conduct and the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption;
  • the legality of transactions that might have significant financial consequences; and
  • the financial standing of the Authority.

As part of our 2001/2002 audit, we carried out a high level review of the Authority’s overall corporate governance arrangements, as well as work on a number of other specific areas in accordance with our risk based planning assessment

This report summarises the findings of our reviews. Where relevant, recommendations for action have been made and these are detailed in the attached action plan. This report does not contain our findings in respect of financial standing, which we will report in our Annual Audit Letter later in the year.

C. Equality and diversity implications

Detailed in the attached report.

D. Financial implications

Detailed in the attached report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: District Audit

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