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Report 6 of the 17 Jan 02 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and proposes a programme of best value reviews to be included in the MPA’s policing and performance plan 2002/03.

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Programme of best value reviews 2002/03 - 2004/05

Report: 6
Date: 17 January 2002
By: Clerk


This report proposes a programme of best value reviews to be included in the MPA’s policing and performance plan 2002/03. The paper also summarises the possible impact on the programme of recent government proposals to streamline best value.

A. Recommendations

  1. That members consider and approve the programme of best value reviews attached at Appendix 1.
  2. That members note the possible impact of government proposals to streamline best value on the programme of reviews.

B. Supporting information

Proposed programme of best value reviews

1. Members will be aware of the need for the MPA to undertake a best value review of all services over the five-year period 2000/01 to 2004/05. The MPA’s current best value review programme is published in its policing and performance plan 2001/02 (page 21) and an updated programme must be published in the MPA’s plan for 2002/03.

2. The review programme is not set in stone and the MPA is able to make changes to the order and/or type of reviews. Consequently, the MPA/MPS best value programme board (chaired by Reshard Auladin) initiated a review of the programme. The board agreed that possible changes to the programme should be assessed against key drivers for change, ie:

  • government requirement or expectation;
  • serious failings highlighted by HMIC or systematic review;
  • consultation with partners highlighted need for earlier review;
  • significant capital and/or revenue loss unless change is made;
  • harmonise with other best value authorities, agencies or partners.

3. The exercise initially sought to make proposals in line with Mayoral/MPA/MPS efficiency and effectiveness reviews. However, the timing and scope of these reviews remains fluid and it is proposed that, at the time of initiating either type of review, work is done to establish specific links between related reviews.

4. At its meeting on 15 November the MPA/MPS programme board considered options for change and agreed a revised programme of reviews to be presented to FPBV Committee for consideration and approval (attached at Appendix 1). In summary, the proposed changes to the programme previously agreed by the MPA are as follows:

Review Proposed change Reason
Records management Start date to move to October 2001 Reflects delay in establishing the review team.
Managing people Start date to move to March 2002 To allow restructuring of HR department in the MPS.
Training (national review) To start January 2002 APA/ACPO request completion by July 2002.
Managing demand To start April 2002 Brought forward to address MPS view as priority issue.
Consultation (joint with GLA) To start January 2001 To await completion of a scrutiny by the GLA. (The MPA aims to share experience / consider findings but not to undertake a second best value review of consultation.)
E-government Additional review: to start in 2002/03 To harmonise with other authorities in the GLA-family.
Special branch Additional review: to start in 2003/04 To reflect an ACPO/APA proposal for national co-ordination (and follow an inspection by HMIC).

Government proposals to streamline best value

5. The government’s proposals (as outlined in a DTLR white paper) to streamline best value are outlined in report 9 to the Committee. DTLR is looking to implement some proposals before April 2002 and the APA is in discussion with DTLR and the Home Office on the implications for police authorities.

6. As far as the programme of best value reviews is concerned there is an intention to relax the requirement to review all functions over a five-year period. Therefore, it seems likely that the long-term programme of reviews as outlined at Appendix 1 will not be required in future (although required under current legislation and statutory guidelines).

7. In its place best value authorities will be expected to implement a programme of reviews following a ‘comprehensive performance assessment’ conducted by the Audit Commission. In essence, authorities would find themselves in one of two basic positions:

  • top performing’ or ‘striving’ authorities would have more discretion over their best value review programme (and a much lighter touch inspection regime);
  • coasting’ or ‘poor performing’ authorities will be required to negotiate with the Audit Commission on a programme of best value reviews (focusing on areas of weakness) with a greater degree of prescription, inspection and/or intervention for poor performers.

8. Consequently, the MPA may find itself able to decide on the number and type of best value reviews or have the number and type of reviews prescribed for it. In either case the total number of reviews seems likely to fall.

C. Financial implications

There are no immediate financial implications.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Derrick Norton, MPA best value manager

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1
Proposed MPA best value review programme

NB: The programme is based on the current legal requirement to review all functions and government proposals to relax this requirement are currently being debated.

Financial year Best value reviews primarily related to service delivery Best value reviews primarily related to support services
Year 1 2000/01 Complaints & discipline (phase 1 complete March 2001)  
  Consultation (completed December 2000)
Investigating and detecting crime (May 2000 - November 2001)  
Year 2 2001/02   Equalities & diversity (with GLA) (April 2001 - March 2002)
  Records management (October 2001 - March 2002)
Bringing offenders to justice (Sept 2001 - Sept 2002)  
  Training (national review) (January 2002 - June 2002)
Year 3 2002/03 [1] Managing demand (starting April 2002) Managing people (starting March 2002)
  Managing finance
Managing operational policing Managing information
  E-government (with GLA)
Year 4 2003/04 Special branch (national review) Managing assets
Community safety / engagement Managing performance
  MPA functions
Year 5 2004/05 National/international functions Managing communication
Improving road safety Catering


1 Would also see MPA contribution/consideration of GLA review of consultation

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