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Report 6 of the 18 July 02 meeting of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee and discusses complaints management data for the period November–March 2001 and April 2002/03.

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Complaints management information

Report: 6
Date: 18 July 2002
By: Commissioner


This report illustrates data for the period November – March 2001 and April 2002/03. It focuses on the key changes or exceptions within the data as the nature of the figures and emerging trends are slow to change.

There is a continued downward trend in the number and percentage of public complaint cases where the investigation is currently over 120 days old.The format and content of the Key Performance Indicator table Appendix 1 (see Supporting material) is under revision. The modified document will better reflect the fundamental indicators of performance and make the monitoring of trends and changes in the data more visually apparent.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to note the report.

B. Supporting information

1. The summary of key performance indicators is attached at Appendix 1 (see Supporting material) and focuses on timeliness, quality and outcomes.

2. The diversity information is attached at Appendix 2 (see Supporting material).

Key performance indicators

3. DPS are currently revising the format and content of the Key Performance Indicator table Appendix 1 to better reflect the fundamental indicators of performance and to make the monitoring of trends and changes in the data visually apparent. A draft copy of the revised KPI will be presented to the MPA Professional Standards and Complaints Committee for agreement at a later meeting.

4. This report focuses on the key changes or exceptions within the data as the nature of the figures and emerging trends are slow to change.

Complaints reduction - public complaints (BVPI 21) – row 1 Appendix 1

5. The monthly target for 2001/02 was 487. This has been revised downwards to 412 for 2002/03. This demonstrates our continued commitment to reducing public complaints. The targets are based on the monthly average of recorded complaints from the previous year.

Service confidence - row 6 Appendix 1

6. There has been an increase in the number of officers subject to service confidence procedure, from 9 in March 2002 to 13 in April 2002. The increase in officers relates to separate incidents that all culminated in April. DPS are encouraging the appropriate use of the service confidence procedure and the increase should not be taken as indicative of an increase in behaviour warranting the instigation of the procedure.

Timeliness – rows 10/11 Appendix 1

7. There is a continued downward trend in the number and percentage of public complaint cases where the investigation is currently over 120 days old. In November 2001 there were 408 (43%) cases over 120 days old compared with 353 (42%) in April 2002.

8. The average number of days taken to complete a public complaint investigation continues its upward trend. There is, however, a corresponding downward trend in the number and percentage of cases over 120-days old illustrated in paragraph 7. In the longer term, as number of older cases is reduced, we would expect the average number of days taken to also reduce.

Misconduct – rows 12/13 Appendix 1

9. The targets relating to Misconduct matters have been revised to show ‘working’ days rather than ‘calendar’ days, as this better reflects the time available for a decision to be reached.

10. The indicator that illustrated the Board Rooms Booked as a percentage of the target has been removed as it did not offer an accurate measure of the actual board room usage nor the reasons why the rooms may be underused e.g. cancellations or boards finishing earlier than predicted.

11. Following the previously reported drop in performance, relating to the Dispatch of Misconduct Papers (March 2002 – 33%), it is encouraging to note that the performance in both this area and the Misconduct Decisions is back up to 100%.

12. A separate paper to this committee has been commissioned which will focus on the timeliness issues within the misconduct process and the measures DPS are introducing to improve performance in this area.

Diversity information

13. The Diversity Information presented in Appendix 2 has been revised to present data for 2000/2001, 2001/2002 and the rolling 12 months.

14. The previous paper commissioned into disproportionality presented to this committee last month has now been forwarded to the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) for further discussion. With their assistance, the proposal to formulate action plans will be developed. This committee will be updated on the progress in due course.

15. MPA members may wish to consider how they can further contribute to this debate.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications coming directly from this paper.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: DS Chris Bourlet and Michael Clark, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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