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Report 5 of the 08 May 01 meeting of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee and gives an overview of MPS performance, with a full listing of Policing Plan and Best Value Performance Indicators.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

March performance report

Report: 5
Date: 8 May 2001
By: Commissioner


This report gives an overview of MPS performance, and provides a full listing of Policing Plan and Best Value Performance Indicators.

A. Recommendation

That Committee members note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS performance report for March is circulated for the information of members (Appendix 1). The MPS Performance Review Committee (PRC) considered this report on 23 April 2001.

2. The report includes the full listing of the Best Value and Policing Plan indicators. Wherever possible, this report includes year-end figures for 2000/2001.

3. Page 2 shows the key crime indicators, and highlights where performance this year is an improvement on the year-end position last year. This shows that while the MPS has failed to deliver on some of the targets set, we have demonstrated improved performance in almost all areas, in spite of the very high level of staff shortages during the year.

4. PRC noted performance against Street Crime, and asked for further consideration of the Strongbox tactic following its fifth application, in Haringey.

5. The meeting noted with concern the rapid rise in 999 calls seen over the last months. The Directorate of Information was asked to review the call protocols with the telephone operators.

6. PRC received a short report on patterns of long and short term sickness for police and civil staff. Personnel dept was actioned to research ways in which long term sickness could be reduced for police officers.

7. The meeting received a summary of recent and current inspections of the MPS. This combined the internal and external inspections, audits and performance visits. In addition, Commander Hagon reported on the progress in developing performance management structures within each of the MPS business groups.

8. Commander Hagon tabled a paper outlining the MPS response to the new HMIC BOCU inspection protocols, set out in "Going Local". PRC reviewed examples of the Boston Box approach to comparing borough performance. The application of this tool will be developed further for the MPS.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Cath Kitching, MPS Corporate Performance Analysis Unit.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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