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This page contains details of the MPA's review of the estate improvement programme,  which is intended to provide modern facilities for London’s police service.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Estate improvement programme

February 2009

The MPA is currently reviewing its estate improvement programme intended to provide modern facilities for London’s police service. Growth in officer and staff numbers, the need for the estate to accommodate technological and operational change, and the fact that many buildings are old, poorly designed and in the wrong location, necessitate urgent action.

The Authority has said categorically that no buildings with front counter facilities, where London’s communities can engage in face to face contact with the police, will be closed without fully operational, improved facilities being opened first.

Central to the MPA strategy will be making policing more accessible to the public and based in local communities. Many of our existing police stations predate 1935, do not lend themselves to the scale of modernisation that would enable us to install 21st century technology and operational needs, have been historically under-maintained, and are not in the right location for modern communities. New public serving police facilities will be more conveniently located and offer better facilities for both London’s communities and the police.

The current MPA review of the estate improvement programme will address the need to involve communities more integrally in our planning process to explain what is we aim to achieve – a better police service for them – and how our buildings can help make this happen.

No communities are losing a police station – when stations are replaced local communities will benefit from an improved, better located and up-to-date facility for them to contact their local police.

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