
Briefing paper 17/2010, on the change in area structure within territorial policing.

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Change in area structure within territorial policing

21 May 2010
MPA briefing paper 17/2010

Author: Ian McPherson, Assistant Commissioner, Territorial Policing, MPS

This briefing paper has been prepared to inform members and staff. It is not a committee report and no decisions are required.


The purpose of this briefing note is to advise members of a change to the Area configuration that ensures ongoing commitment to the thirty two Boroughs, with their democratic and service delivery boundaries, improves operational linkages and produces efficiencies.

Outline of the decision

Since Spring last year Territorial Policing has been sub divided for accountability purposes into seven areas each with a responsible Commander (Appendix 1). Throughout the last performance year (2009/10) it has become evident that:

  • The boundaries were not seen as coherent as a result of mapping of criminal behaviour
  • The boundaries were not congruent with those of our GLA or CJ partner families.
  • It required a significant Commander structure.

As a result a review process has been undertaken looking at issues of operational efficiency, having regard to the developing regional structure under the GLA ‘London Plan’ and ensuring a commitment to spans of command that enable proper accountability regimes between Borough Commanders and Area Commanders.

As a result a five area structure has been proposed to, and agreed by, Management Board. This new structure is depicted at Appendix 2 which also displays crime, demand and population for the new Areas.

It is the intension that each of those areas be led by an Area Commander who will be directly accountable to the Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner (TP) for the performance outcomes of that Area. They will be expected to proactively support, manage and develop their Borough Commands and their teams. They will not have additional portfolio responsibilities enabling them to concentrate on matters of delivery for the people of London.

As part of this approach the unique nature of Westminster is recognised and it will have its own Commander, reflecting its size, complexity and national profile. However it will sit with the North area, indicating that it may share some area level functions for the purpose of efficiencies (e.g. resource management.) Any such proposals will be formally presented to the Authority at a later date.

The new areas are broadly balanced in their distribution of population, crime and demand as well as having cognisance of both natural boundaries (e.g. River Thames,) future developments (e.g. Thames Gateway) and Crime hotspots.

It is anticipated that this structure will be commenced by early July and members will be advised as to the Commanders responsible and accountable for each Area once that decision has been made.

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