This page contains information about the project summary - Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMs)
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Project summary - Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMs)
Project name:
Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMs)
MPA lead officer: Sarah Easey
Met Forward work strand: Met Partners
Project summary
Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMs) are a mechanism to facilitate engagement between the police, the council, and other pan-London partner agencies at a borough level in order to explore local crime and safety issues. They are key in supporting the achievement of the Met Partners work strand of Met Forward, as they are the MPA’s main tool in driving partnership and are the starting point in developing joint strategies in areas of shared concern.
Project objectives
The following objectives are to be achieved during the second phase of JEMs:
- Schedule and hold a full series of Violent Crime JEMs from May 2010, with all 32 boroughs to have taken part by the end of May 2011. This series of meetings will review the first round and extend the discussion to all violence, including domestic and sexual violence, hate crime and response to the night time economy. JEMs with eight boroughs will be held between end of May and end of July 2010.Schedule and hold Prevent JEMs with selected boroughs in the latter part of 2010.
- Develop analysis for the violent crime and Prevent JEMs packs.
- Follow up on actions that resulted from the first round of JEMs and summarise as part of the input to the next phase.
- Seek feedback from participants on the first round of JEMs and use to develop the new rounds.
- Ensure members are aware of the progress and outcomes of JEMs through regular reports to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee.
- Contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money.
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
The MPA is responsible for overall coordination of JEMs. This includes the development and production of analysis and supporting briefs, engagement with Local Authorities, MPS, and other partners, organisation and administration of the individual meetings, as well as the follow-up process and development of output from JEMs.
What will success look like?
Five Prevent JEMs to have taken place by the end of 2010. A review of the JEMs process will be completed in April 2010. All boroughs will have taken part in the second round of JEMs by the May 2011. Good practice and pan-London issues to be communicated to all partners.
Responsible MPA committee
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