This page contains information about the project summary - Crime mapping and crime statistics
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See the MOPC website for further information.
Project summary - Crime mapping and crime statistics
Project name: Crime
mapping and crime statistics
MPA Lead officer: Jane Owen
Met Forward work strand: Met Connect
Project summary
Crime mapping aims to enhance public engagement and to encourage constructive debate with local police, through for example, safer neighbourhood panels. The MPA oversaw the development of the MPS’s crime mapping website and we will continue to monitor its development.
Accurate crime recording is vital to the MPS’s ability to perform its role – knowing where and when crime is happening and understanding victimisation.
The MPA wants Londoners to have total confidence in crime statistics and will work with the MPS to ensure consistency and confidence in crime statistics.
The MPA will continue develop and monitor its own crime statistics web page,
Project objectives
- Oversee the Crime Mapping website function of the MPS – reviewing the usage of the site.
- Investigate the potential for a user survey of the MPS mapping and statistics online functions.
- Attend the Strategic Crime and Incident Recording Group, reporting back to the MPA on issues highlighted.
- Review the papers on crime statistics and crime mapping brought by the MPS to MPA committees.
- Develop further the statistics and mapping techniques used in the Joint Engagement Meetings (JEMs) process and as part of the MPA oversight function.
Correctly delivered by the MPS this work should contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money.
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
To publish regular crime statistics on the MPA website with definitions that do not change over time and are unambiguous.
To support the development of the MPAs crime mapping capabilities, working with partners to increase the data used to support members and the statistics used at Joint Engagement Meetings.
To continue to monitor the effectiveness and functionality of the MPS crime mapping website
What will success look like?
The MPS crime mapping web site will actively be used by communities and in particular safer neighbourhood panels to support debate and joint problem solving around those issues that matter most to communities. Londoners that use the website will find it assessable and valuable.
The MPA will continue to develop performance oversight methodologies that best utilise the available data.
The MPA will continue to publish crime statistics that Londoners can trust and we will continue to develop our statistical capabilities to support our oversight and scrutiny function at a borough and pan London level.
Responsible MPA committee
Strategic and Operational Policing Committee
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