This page contains information about the project summary - Specials and volunteers
Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).
See the MOPC website for further information.
Project summary - Specials and volunteers
Project name:
Specials and volunteers
MPA Lead officer: Alan Johnson (MPA)
Met Forward work: strand Met Streets
Project summary
This project is concerned with recruiting and retaining 6,667 Special Constables in time for the Olympic and Paralympics games in 2012. There will be significant demands on policing in London during this time. The MPS will actively use specials and volunteers to provide increased resilience and to keep London safe.
This needs to be done now because having the right number of people with the right skills in the right places will present challenges.
Project objectives
- To recruit, train and retain 6,667specials and an unspecified number of volunteers by 2012.
- To ensure the relevant recommendations from the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry are fully considered and adopted by the MPS in relation to the recruitment and support given to specials and volunteers.
- To ensure equality and diversity issues are fully considered throughout by ensuring the MPS carries out and regularly reviews the projects Equality Impact Assessment (EIA).
- To ensure the MPS is delivering value for money.
- To ensure members are fully supported in holding the MPS to account for the recruitment and retention of specials and volunteers through the provision of regular reports to the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee.
- To contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money.
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
MPA members, through the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee, will regularly hold the MPS to account for the delivery of the objectives outlined above.
The MPA is represented on the Metropolitan Special Constabulary (MSC) Strategy Board who meet monthly to oversee all aspects of this project.
What will success look like? The MPS will have recruited and trained 6,667 specials by March 2012. These specials will provide two million hours of duty by the time of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. A comprehensive training package and borough based development opportunities will be provided to enable them to effectively fight crime and reduce criminality. The MPS will have encouraged recruitment from across London’s diverse communities.
Responsible MPA committee
Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee, which reports to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee
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