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Information about topical issues, with links to all relevant pages on the MPA website and elsewhere.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA cases

  • Daniel Morgan
    MPA independent review of the investigations into this murder
  • Gurpal Virdi
    MPA inquiry into the case against PS Gurpal Virdi

MPA scrutinies

The MPA has a duty to monitor the performance of the MPS and secure continuous improvement in the service provided to the people of London. To help it carry out these responsibilities the Authority undertakes in-depth projects, or scrutinies, into specific aspects of MPS performance.

  • Race and Faith Inquiry
    An inquiry into race and faith issues in the MPS. A draft report will be brought back to the authority for discussion and endorsement in June 2009.
  • Seen and Heard, young people, policing and crime: An MPA report - November 2008
    The MPA Youth Scrutiny, recently entitled, ‘Seen and Heard, young people, policing and crime’ was conducted between September 2007 and May 2008. The final scrutiny report, making 52 recommendations for the MPS and other organisations, was accepted by the MPA Full Authority meeting in June 2008.
  • Crime data recording scrutiny - February 2008
    Scrutiny examining the accuracy of MPS crime recording.
  • Succession planning and career development scrutiny - October 2007
    A short scrutiny to ensure that the Met’s senior officers of the future continue to be of the highest calibre.
  • Drugs Scrutiny - May 2007
    The review findings were intended to directly influence MPS policies and procedures in dealing with people involved in drugs.
  • Scrutiny of MPS media and communications - April 2007
    A short scrutiny into the approach taken by the MPS to managing media and communications.
  • Mental Health & policing - MPA/NHS joint review - October 2005
    An MPA joint review with key partners in the NHS, containing 33 recommendations to ensure the police response to Londoners experiencing mental illness is appropriate.
  • Stop and Search Scrutiny - May 2004
    Presents 55 recommendations on ways in which stop and search practice can move forward.
  • Gun Crime Scrutiny - February 2004
    Focuses on the MPS’ strategic response to gun crime rather than the immediate operational response to an armed incident.
  • Rape Investigation and Victim Care - April 2002
    Presents 38 recommendations aimed at improving rape investigation and victim care.

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